Singing A Song

Singing A Song

A Screenplay by Fanfic

Kanga sings a song he wrote...

Kanga walks in. Kangaskhan and Dragonite are there.

Kangaskhan: Hello!

Kanga: I want to share something! Sit down!

Kangaskhan and Dragonite sit.

Dragonite: What is it?

Kanga: A song that I wrote!

Kangaskhan: I can't wait to hear it!

Kanga sets up some lights and a disco ball.

Kanga: Are you ready?

Kangaskhan: Yes!

Dragonite: Let's get this over with!

I know this girl,
And she's great!
This girl I adore!
The problem is,
She has more
Than I bargained for

She's very pretty,
She's very witty,
She's got style,
She's got a smile
She can sing,
There's just one thing
She's got a penis!

She's really fair,
She knows what to wear
She's got a nice face,
That girl has grace
She's got pizzazz,
Too bad she has...
A penis!

There's always a screw up,
Always a flaw,
Isn't that called Murphy's law?
The male genitalia,
That's where I draw the line!
Hers is bigger than mine!

She's a mess,
'Cause under that dress,
She's got a P E N I S,

Kangaskhan claps while Dragonite doesn't know how to react.

Kangaskhan: So... You... Wrote this song?

Kanga: Yes!

Kangaskhan: Did that happen to you? Is this a true story and you turned it into a song?

Kanga: Yes! This was actually a friend of mine!

Kangaskhan: A friend of yours...

Kangaskhan looks at Dragonite.

Kanga: I know what this friend of mine thinks, but this is actually true! You sometimes leave stuff in your pouch. Last week, you left a pencil in there and it kept poking my backside!

Kangaskhan: I'll make sure that I don't leave anything in there!

Kanga: OK.

Dragonite: Please! Please write a song about Nidorino! I need something like that!

© 2017 Fanfic

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Added on February 1, 2017
Last Updated on February 1, 2017



Hi! I am a pokemon fan! I just got into writing after reading someone's story. I write fanfiction that I make into animations. If something is a screenplay is either is or is likely that it will be ma.. more..

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