

A Screenplay by Fanfic

Dragonite finds a damaged Porygon and nurses it back to health and keeps as a pet.

Mudkip, Dragonite, Charizard, Nidorina are destroying Porygons. All of them are destroyed.
Sandslash: I still have one more trick up my sleeve!
Sandsash presses a button and a huge gun appears.
Sandslash: Just a minute! Needs to warm up!
Mudkip smashes it before it can fire.
Mudkip: Still waiting for that trick!
Sandslash goes away. Everyone is eating burgers.
Dragonite: Do you ever wonder what happens to the Porygons we destroy?
Dragonite looks at the pieces of Porygons scattered everywhere, being collected by other Porygons. One of the smashed ones moves. Dragonite shouts to everyone.
Dragonite: Hey! This one's still functional!
Somewhere else, Charizard is fixing it.
Dragonite: Is she going to be OK?
Charizard: She'll be more than OK! I install a personality program in her! Just make sure that you charge her often!
Dragonite plugs Poly into the wall. Outside, she throws a ball to her, but it bounces off her head while she makes no attempt to catch it.
Dragonite: Play dead!
Poly blows up.
Dragonite: No!
Charizard fixes her. Dragonite throws a ball to her outside again and she catches it. Everyone is sitting. Dragonite and Poly walk in. Everyone looks at them funny.
Dragonite: That's a nice way to make two girls feel welcome!
Mudkip: You are hanging around with a Porygon!
Dragonite: It's not a Porygon! It's Poly! As in Polly with two L's! As in polygon! As in Porygon! It's simple, that why it's so clever!
No one says anything.
Dragonite: I SAID IT'S CLEVER!!!
Everyone agrees with her. Sandslash is standing in front of a huge weight. He tries to lift it, which he does. Dragonite and Poly run past, making him fall backwards.
Sandslash: Hey! Isn't that my Porygon?
Dragonite: No! This is a.... a wild Porygon!
Sandslash: Really? Well then, it wouldn't be affected if I activated the locating device, would it?
He presses a button. Nothing happens.
Sandslash: How about if I override it's programming?
Sandslash presses a button.
Computer: Please enter password!
Sandslash enters it.
Computer: Wrong password! Please try again!
Sandslash: What did I change it to? My mum's name?
Sandslash enters it.
Computer: Wrong password! Please try again!
Sandslash enters something.
Computer: Locked out! Please contact your local help center!
Sandslash: Fine! I'll change my password, then I'll be back!
Sandslash leaves.
Dragonite: I've got to hide you! But where?
Dragonite grabs a rug and throws it over Poly.
Dragonite: Nope! That's not going to work! I know!
In another place.
Dragonite: We'll be safe in here! This is sanctuary! If I was ever found, I'd flee and hide here!
Sandslash is on the phone.
Sandslash: So all I have to do is take the battery out and put it back in? OK, I got it!
Sandslash presses a button. Poly responds and flies out through a wall.
Dragonite: Poly! Where are you going?!
With Mudkip.
Mudkip: Have you noticed Dragonite isn't very happy?
Kanga: I can't take it anymore! I can't see Dragonite sad like this!
He puts a party hat on her head. She still looks sad.
Kanga: There! That's better!
Mudki: OK, that's it! We're going to cheer you up!
Kanga: What are you talking about? She's the happiest person in the room! Just look at that hat!
Dragonite looks very sad.
Nidorina: I know a way to make you better!
Everyone is standing.
Nidorina: It's been three hours! Are the cup cakes done?
Kanga opens the oven door. Flames come out of it. Everyone screams and runs. Dragonite grabs a fire extinguisher and sprays the fire half heartedly. She looks as if she's about to cry.
Charizard: Don't! Don't do that thing with the eyes! How do you do that thing?
Mudkip: I know! Let's look at your old photo books!
Dragonite opens it. Every page has pictures of her and Poly on it. She cries.
Mudkip: There's only one thing left we can do!
Marina, Dragonite's mother, comes in.
Mudkip: Tell your mum about your problems!
Dragonite: OK. There are so many things I want to say.....
Mudkip: No time for that now! Sandslash is attacking!
Everyone runs out. Sandslash is breaking into a shop.
Sandslash: Finally! The last piece I need to finish my new robot!
Mudkip: Not if we stop you!
Sandslash: Once I put this in my robot, it, and by it I mean me, and by me I mean I, will be invincible! I'm going to destroy you! Porygonators! Attack!
Dragonite: Porygonators?
Dragonite stops Charizard attacking.
Dragonite: Wait! Maybe one of them is Poly!
Sandslash gets away.
Mudkip: We got to stop Sandslash!
Dragonite: I can't risk hurting Poly! As long as Sandslash has her, he'll always have the advantage! You do what you have to, but I can't be a part of this!
Mudkip: Fine! You stay here!
Sandslash is put the part in a giant robot.
Sandslash: Yes! My robot is finished!
Mudkip, Nidorina and Charizard arrive.
Nidorina: We're too late!
Charizard: What? But I'm never late! Except for when I'm fashionably late, but that don't count! Anyway, let's fight!
Sandslash: Everyone! Meet Giant Robot! I didn't have time to name him because I was too busy dealing with my password!
Dragonite is looking through a photo book with pictures of Poly. She sees a page with a picture of Poly catching a ball.
Dragonite: That's it!
With Mudkip.
Mudkip: Skarmory! We need you! Hey, Sandslash! Smile for the birdie!
Skarmory lands on Sandslash and pecks him repeatedly.
Sandslash: Ow! Ow! He's pecking my eyes! Why would I ever smile at this?!
Dragonite arrives.
Sandslash: Well, if it isn't Dragonite! Where's your little pet? How about I call her for you? Porygonators!
A group of Porygonators appear.
Mudkip: How can we tell which one's Poly? They all look the same!
Dragonite: Don't worry! I know how to find Poly!
The Porygonators fly at Dragonite. She throws a ball One of them comes out of the group, catches the ball, and grabs Dragonite away from the others.
Dragonite: I missed you!
Sandslash: You didn't think it would be that easy, did you? Giant robot! Blast that Porygonator out of the sky!
Giant robot launches a missile at Poly and hits her. She's destroyed.
Dragonite: HOW DARE YOU???!!!
Dragonite charges at them and goes all out on Giant robot.
Sandslash: Whoa! OK! Maybe that was a mistake!
Dragonite smashes Giant Robot, knocking it's head off, then picks it up and throws it at Sandslash, sending him away. She runs over to Poly. Charizard fixes her again.

Charizard: That should do it! Oh! I almost forgot!

Charizard picks up a can and sprays the contents over Poly. She gets up. She now has a colour scheme similar to Dragonite's. Poly leaps on Dragonite. They are both happy. The scene turns into a picture in Dragonite's photo book.

Dragonite: There! That finishes my photo book! Come on Poly!

They go outside.

© 2017 Fanfic

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Added on May 4, 2017
Last Updated on June 8, 2017



Hi! I am a pokemon fan! I just got into writing after reading someone's story. I write fanfiction that I make into animations. If something is a screenplay is either is or is likely that it will be ma.. more..

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