Gaza's Children

Gaza's Children

A Poem by Fatin Aqilah Taha

This poem was created by AKA but I've to ask him/her if I can translate it in English and it accepted... This poem about how her Palestinians children would face their life in war situation. I hope th

Gaza's children

Gaza's children
Your rain of tears
Immune in life
With your parents
Who waiting you in heaven

Be strong
Be brave
And smile
Lord choose them as heaven's dwellers
One day
You will find them...

Tear falls without any barricade
Watching pictures and news
Women screamed without any effort
Innocence children scream
Effortless oldies lament
Heroes' blood were everywhere

That Zionist never sactified to brutal them
Like a gluttony beast
Skin the human called Muslims,
Oh Lord,please protect them...
God almighty!


© 2015 Fatin Aqilah Taha

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Beautiful words to describe such sorrow,, very well written!!! Free Gaza!!

Posted 8 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on April 17, 2015
Last Updated on April 17, 2015
Tags: poem, conflict, politic, war, suffer, gaza, palestine, tradegy


Fatin Aqilah Taha
Fatin Aqilah Taha

Mersing, Johore, Malaysia

I'm Fatin Aqilah Taha & I'm an amateur novelist. My mostly hobby is drawing.But since drawing the storyline is kind of tired,so my story changed into novel writing.Sometime I do poetry about my emoti.. more..
