

A Poem by Wayward Soul

 In the hustle and bustle of city life,
I sometimes look around, 
All these people have a life,
All these people have their strife,
it’s staggering some times to see just how small I am,
Like gazing into the heavens above,
At every point of light,
And realizing that each one of those dots brings day and it’s absence brings night,
We all have our problems,
Our cloaks that we where,
We all have are struggles,
The weight that we bare,
And in our frustration,
And in our big mess,
Its easy to forget this one fact:
The world doesn’t revolve around you
And so I submit to you one simple thought:
Other people are human to. 

© 2018 Wayward Soul

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"Its easy to forget this one fact:
The world doesn’t revolve around you
And so I submit to you one simple thought:
Other people are human to."

This work really emphasizes on today's monotonous life. But you end the work with a positive thought which I liked the most as the hope should never die.

Posted 6 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on April 11, 2018
Last Updated on April 11, 2018


Wayward Soul
Wayward Soul

The land of do-as-you-please

Hello weary traveler, welcome to my realm, there will be chills and thrills and things that go bump in the night, there will be tales to amaze and tales to bring fright, i hope you enjoy my tireless p.. more..
