Untitled (for Now)

Untitled (for Now)

A Story by Firequeen

This is my first ever Vampire story. Thank you to my ap bro for the wonderful editing and wordage.

I slink unseen in the twilight shades, waiting for my next prey, hunger coursing through my veins. I hear a simple sigh come from beyond the shadows, piquing my interest in its unheard approach. A young woman who looked to be 20, hummed a mournful lullaby gently to herself. She had a long off look to her features, as if she was wandering the streets without knowing which direction she was really heading, blissfully lost to her surroundings. I watched her mesmerized for what seemed like forever, but could have only been the soft beat of a sleeping heart. She almost walked into a newspaper stand in front of a shop and an unexpected giggle escaped my lips. I quickly looked to make sure she hadn't heard. As she drew closer I was struck by her amazing beauty, leaving me breathless. She had beautiful flame red hair, she's was long and slender. She was dressed in a very flowing sundress. The moonlight shown through the bottom of her dress and i could see the bottom of her long thin legs. I hadn't noticed my hunger in what seemed like an eternity due to this beautiful distraction. I had run into many pretty girls throughout my life that caught my eye, but this young woman left me beguiled. I had never been so intoxicated by a human in my life and so I watched her for a while longer. My hunger began to pick at me, wrenching at my stomach with its painful pangs. With one more long look back at the beauty, I decided that I would not be feasting on her tonight. I set off in motion for another to feed from.

I resumed hunting, but all the while I was plagued with thoughts of the beauty and the intoxicating sound of her humming. I had never been so distarcted while trying to hunt in my life. Never before was I this spellbound by a human in my whole existence. My hunger continued to grow with each passing second, my stomach growling like agitated tiger. I tried to shake it off and push her out of my mind so I could feed. I was losing strength just by running around the city looking for another prey to sate my hunger. I skulked out of the shadows and into the moonlight as I caught the sound of someone stepping on a branch in the nearby woods. Quickly the woman was gone from my mind, I moved swiftly to stalk my prey. Around the trunk of a big oak tree, I looked out at a young man of around 20. Tall and thin but none the less very strong and agile looking. Yes he will do, indeed to tame my thirst for quite a while. While he was distracted, apparently looking for someone or something I decided to make my move. He looked agile, but he was no match for me. He never saw me coming, I was on him before he could even make a move or fight me off. I quickly began to partake of him, ravenous in my feeding, but careful not to break his neck. After all, live prey is much more fun than a dead one and seasoned so sweetly with fear. He did not scream, for he had no time. Just a sudden tightening of his muscles as my teeth sunk into the soft flesh of his neck. I drank heartily of him. I could feel my hunger slowly fade away as his life began to dim and ebb away. As I drank the last of his life away I heard a gasp from near by. I looked up only to be staring at the beauty that had held my undivided attention for so very long earlier. I quickly covered my head with my hood and ran off into the safety of the shadows. I stopped to watch not far off, behind yet another huge oak trunk. She did not scream, she merely stared and bent down next the the young man who had sated my thirst so pleasingly. I almost bent my head in shame, but I could not look away from her. She began to sob as if she knew this young man. I was struck by sudden fear and remorse, the young man had been looking for someone. She must have been that someone. Oh how I longed to hear her beautiful voice humming her gentle lullaby once more. Instead all I could hear was the heart wrenching sounds of the beauty's sobs coming now in a constant flow. I could see tears glistening her cheeks. Only one word escaped her lips now, almost in a whisper I could hear her repeating 'Samuel, Samuel'.

I swallowed hard, knowing I had just killed someone dear to this sweet beauty. I felt remorse, I felt guilt. That had never happened to me before, never before had a human effected me so much. 'What is wrong with me?' I was overcome with grief for this young man I didn't even know. It was almost as if I was feeling the young beauty's grief. I had a sudden urge to run as far away as I could. I took one last look of the beauty as she laid her head on the chest of the young man and continued crying. I stole away into the night, quickly without another glance for fear that I would never be able to escape the overwhelming feelings that were consuming me. I ran for what seemed like hours but with my vampiric agility had only actually been a matter of minutes. I slipped into the shadows of the next town over. I took the hood off my cloak off and stepped out into the bright moonlight. Some color had returned to me and my hunger was quelled for now, I felt safe enough to be among the humans again. It was the dead of night and not that many living were actually awake let alone out wandering through town. I slunk down an alley way and back into the shadows. I realized I was afraid that the human girl by now had alerted the authorities to what she had witnessed and by now, they were gathering together for what would likely be a witch hunt. Or dare i say a Vampire hunt. A carriage passed by, without the coachmen even so much as taking a glance in my direction. I decided it would be safer to get a room in the town and appear normal. I walked into the local pub, I knew the pub was closed but the owner would have a room for me to rent for the night hopefully. I rang the bell on the inner door and waited. I heard the heavy fumbling footsteps, then the door swung wide open. I was greeted by a large woman who looked none to happy about me waking her in the dead of night. I curtsied and spoke softly so as not to upset her even more. 
'Good eventide, Madam. Please pardon my intrusion. Prithey tell, wouldst thou hath a room that I may rent from thee?' She glowered at me, then huffed and said in a gruff voice
'Follow me'
I did as I was told, I followed her into the empty pub. It smelt of stale ale and testosterone. I noticed she was watching me and smiled quickly as she let out a loud 'humph' and continued to show me to the room. She unlocked the door and let me in. She glowered at me once more and said
'Thou willst pay me on the morn, for it is very late, and don't thou even think of trying to steal away on me. Fore I wouldst hunt thee down and findeth thee for the measly coin of thy sweet slumber.'
I agreed with a nod and said my good nights to the large woman. She practically slammed the door behind her...

Sleep does not come to me... 
I simply laid on the bed staring up at the ceiling going over the events of the last few hours. I could not erase the grief I had felt for the loss of the young man in the forest. I am a vampire... I don't feel remorse or grief... I need to feed in order to live... It was essential to my survival. None the less I would not have ever fed off the young man had I known he was connected to the sweet beauty who had captured my eye and indeed my heart so deeply earlier. What was I thinking? What is this? This is silliness, is what it is. I am not meant to feel bad for those affected by my survival. Humans do not grieve the fatted calf that they gluttinously devour of a Sunday roast. I had seen family members, wives and husbands mourn their kin and loved ones at my hands many times. Why now? Why her? Why did her grief matter to me?
I knew at once what I had to do. I needed to go see Devon. At first light I would steal away. Of course leaving behind rent for the large woman who had threatened to hunt me down if I didn't pay her. I had a bit of giggle at that, her audacity was priceless. Had she but known to whom she spoke, she would hasve had pause for thought... 
At sunrise I arose and set out to see my maker, Devon...


My trip to Devon's passed quickly, so lost to my thoughts had I become over the beautiful young woman. And more so over the all consuming guilt I felt of killing someone dear to her. Before I knew it I was entering the town where Devon was in residency. I walked through the familiar town, seeing familiar faces. The shopkeepers that recognized me, waved and said their hellos whilst others simply stole a glance at me cautiously. I walked down the lane to the big house that devon had inhabited for as long as I could remember. Knocking on the door, I was gleefully greeted by Devon's delightful wife, Leigh. She gave me a quick smile and shooed me inside, speaking only after she'd firmly closed the door to the prying eyes of the world.
'Good day, dear Storm.' I quickly returned her greeting and wrapped her in an embrace.
'It is so good to be back home.' I replied. She smiled at me thoughtfully
'As it is just as good to hath thee home. Art thou here to speak with Devon?' I sighed and nodded my head. 
'Nay thee worry dear, verily, he hast been expecting thee since last night.' 
This was not a surprise to me, Devon had been my Sire, we shared a connection that could only be broken by death. I knew his feelings as well as he knew mine. He would have sensed right away, the grief I had felt and of the sweet beauty who had induced this guilt within me. He would only know of my feelings but not of the events that had spawned them, so I still had yet to explain myself. Leigh waved me through to his study. 

Devon is beautiful man, he was 300 years my senior but looked to be in his thirties, naturally he sat with his hands folded in his sitting chair awaiting my advent. As I entered the room he stood and I was wrapped in yet another loving embrace. Devon and Leigh were more like parents to me then anything else. They had sat with me through my siredom, taught me how to hunt without drawing attention to myself or causing too much disruption to life around us. Meaning we had mostly fed on beggars and travellers. When he released me from his bear like embrace, he looked me in the eyes and spoke softly.
'Art thou well, my sweet Storm?' I nodded in reply. He caught my look immediately.
'Well, I doth know that thou art here not for a social call, so please seat thyself and prithy tell of this young woman who hast caught thine eye and sorrowed thy heart to such abundant grief.' I sat down across from him and started to tell him of all the events of the last night. He listened carefully to both my words and my feelings. When I was done explaining he let out a long sigh. We sat in silence till I could no longer handle it.
'Devon, I beg of thee, speak to me your thoughts, whatsoever it shalt be, I shalt endure it.' He stared at me for a second longer and still nothing. A growl bellowed low in my chest. He let out a hearty laugh and finally spoke.
'My dear, thou hast never been one known for thy patience hath thee? For sooth, I didst know this wouldst occur sooner or latterly but verily I didst not believe it wouldst be likened to this.'
I still knew nothing of what he was talking about and was becoming frustrated. He must have felt this because he continued to talk after another second.
'This girl, she dost belong to thee.' I laughed a laugh that almost sounded like a hyena's laugh.
'What nonsense is this? That is silliness thou cannot belong to another.' He seemed annoyed by me saying this.
'Leigh dost belong to me as I doth belong to her.' he raised and eye brow as awareness seemed to fill my face.
'That cannot be, how couldst I know not?' He laughed again
'That is simple dear, thou knoweth not until it is upon thee. I knew not until my passions stirred to the beat of Leigh's heart then by design I walked the path thou art and sought out my Sire, Jocelyn.'
'But she art a woman, comely I grant thee. But shouldst not my heart belong to a man?'
'Storm, thou dost belong to whomever captures thy heart, it is why thou art so consumed with love when she doth serenade thee with her gentle lullaby, soothing thy soul to tender hum, tis why thou art so consumed with thy grief of her male friend on whom thou didst feed. Art thou forsaken of rememberance? I doth feel everything thou doth feel as thou doth me. Thou shalt feel everything she dost feel. Once she is sired she shalt share that with thee also.
My eyes grew wide. 'Sired? No, no, no Devon I cannot'.
'My Child, thou shalt, thou must... It is thy destiny, thou hast chosen her and though she cannot feel it yet she hast chosen thee.' again in shock, I said 'But she is a woman'
'It matters not child, she belongs to thee. Doth thou believe in truth that thou art the first woman who's heart betrothed another woman as her destiny.' My heart skipped a beat at that thought.
'But... it is an afront to God's will'
Devon laughed out loud as he stood...
'Hast thou looked in a mirror latterly child? Thou casteth not a reflection, thou art a vampire. God has no place here'
'But...' I knew I was clutching at straws but it was a hard truth to accept. Devon gripped my shoulders, smiled sympathetically and looked into my eyes.
'Enough, child. There art many sins in Heaven and Earth that far outweigh the love of a heart that yearns same sex union. Thou shalt not be judged by what fate decrees. Thou wouldst only find sorrow if thou wouldst spurn the heart destined to thee and I wouldst not wish that on thee. I hath seen the tragedy of a broken heart... Please dearest Storm, don't fight this, accept thy heart's desire'
I knew not to dare ask, for Devon would not tell me, not now at least. I nodded in acceptance.
'If this truly is that which my heart doth yearn, then so be it, I shalt fulfill my destiny.' he smiled at me with his bright eyes and wrapped me in another embrace.
'Good, it warmeth my heart greatly that thou shouldst choose to follow thy destiny. Wouldst thou stay with us a while longer? There is much that I wouldst speak with thee of. But I must feed, for I dost grow weak. I trust Leigh shalt be pleasant company for thee? I am sure that there is much rememberance that thou wouldst share with her as wouldst she with thee' I nodded and left his study.

I walked back into the kitchen to find Leigh reading a book, she always was a bookworm. It seems every time I see her, she has a book in hand. She looked up as I settled myself down at the table.
'Didst thou findeth the truths thou seeketh, dear Storm?'
'Nay, not all, but I better understand why it hast occured.' She nodded with acceptance on her face. No more of it would be mentioned from Leigh unless I brought it up. She quickly began chatting about everything that had been going on in town since I had left. I listened thoughtfully, though half heartedly as my mind began to drift to the one my heart had chosen.....
Leigh broke through my thoughts of my beloved.
'I am sorry Leigh, please forgive me, I fear I am bespelled to my daydreams.' She smiled at me softly and sighed.
'Fear thee not dear, I dost remember such bespellment only too well. For sooth, when my beautiful Devon is away, I doth find myself floating away in such wonderous thoughts of him.' I couldn't help but smile for I knew that Devon often did the same thing when he was away from Leigh. Their love had been something I could only dream of until now. I myself was about to embark on a love story of my own.... Little did I know it would not be an easy journey.....


Later that evening as the sun began to set I told Devon I would be back late, I am going to venture back to the town of my beloved and try to find out more about her and indeed of the young man she mourned so deeply and of course, if they will be hunting for a bloodsucker as the living had deigned to call us. 
Yes, they know of us, some fear us and stay indoors from the moment the sun sets. Some hunt us, some for sport just so they can say they hunted a vampire, though none of them ever made it back to tell their tales. Then there are the ones who hunt us because they long to be one of us. They are the truly odd ones, no one longs to live like this. I know I certainly didn't come looking for it. 

I happened to be traveling with my aunt zelda on that fateful night I became an immortal. I remember every detail so very clearly. I was on my way to my aunts house, my mother was very ill and could no longer care for me. My aunt agreed to take me in and care for me as she had no family of her own. I remember thinking just before the ambush that the ride seemed so long and tedious. Then with what seemed like a crack of lightening, I heard the coachmen screech a shrill scream, in an instant all was hushed as my aunt and I stared out into the dark with horrified eyes. I heard a low growl and when I looked to see where it came from red eyes were staring straight back at my own eyes. I was frozen with fear. Afraid to move. My aunt tried to scream but at once he was on her. I watched her pale to snow white in color. I could see the light fade from her eyes, in that instant he turned on me. My breath caught in my throat, I almost forgot to breathe. He was so beautiful, I wanted to reach out and touch him. He looked at me curiously, I was wondered why he hadn't attacked me yet. I heard a low growl from his chest and then very gently he sunk his teeth into the soft skin of my wrist and with such guilty pleasure came immense pain. After only a couple of seconds he released me, he took me in his arms and swiftly carried me away into the night. I awoke two days later to the most horrible pain I had ever felt. I was ravenous, the hunger was starting to consume me from the inside out. Devon entered my room cautiously and I stared at him with searing hatred. 
'Calm thyself child, I shalt hurt thee not.'
I was surprised by my own voice in retort. It was low and strangled but forceful. In that moment I had never hated anyone more then he.
'What hast thou done to me?' I growled. He shot me a warning look that I know very well now. He spoke softly again
'I hath brought food for thee, thou art hungry, yes?' I nodded eagerly, now not feeling so apt to want to tear his throat out. He stepped out the door and returned with a grungy looking older man who looked like he needed a shower. I shot him a look of confusion, but what confused me more was that I hungered to devour this man.
'Hath thou not fathomed thy fate yet, child?' 
'Nay Sir, I fathom not. My hunger grows beyond all I hath ever known, and thou bringest me this boney, aged peasant that disgusts my senses, yet I wouldst feast upon him to sate that very hunger this night.' A smile spread across Devon's face as the older man tried to shrink away from me and from the hold he had on my dinner. Devon did not say anything he pushed the man towards me and at once I was on him, little realizing that this was now my nature. It didn't take me long to finish him off, draining him of his life blood, before looking back to Devon. 
'I am still ravenous!' I hissed. He nodded his head and spoke softly again.
'I know thou art, child, but thou must be mistress of thy gluttony. Thou shalt be mistress of thy hunger, lest it shalt consume thee. Thou shalt feed once more at sunrise. Doth thou feel well enough to exchange pleasentries with my wife and I?'
Though I was starving, I dared not turn on him for fear that he may not let me feed at sunrise. I stood on wobbly legs. The pain had dulled a bit since I had fed. I smiled as I looked back at the man that I had just killed.
'Worry thee not, my child. He shalt be gone upon thy return and fresh prey shalt be in his place.'
I turned back to Devon and smiled a bit wider. he let out a laugh that filled me with so much love. I followed him down a long hallway into his large study. A beautiful blonde woman sat reading in a sitting chair, she smiled up at me with deep dark eyes as I entered the room. Her voice sounded like honey to me.
'Oh devon she is perfect, even more beautiful then thou hast led me to believe.' she stood and held her arms open to me. At first I was confused, but I felt this sudden and uncontrollable urge to go to her. She held me for what seemed like an eternity. I felt connected to her, bonded. I loved Leigh instantly. She motioned me over to a very old looking couch where she sat down beside me. Devon spoke and my attention was quickly taken from the beautiful blonde woman that I already loved so dearly.
'Now my sweet child, wouldst thou wish to know what happenstance hast befallen thee?'
'Yes Sir' I whispered, still a bit in fear of this man.
'Well then, I shalt enlighten thee'.
He started explaining about the events of my final night as a human, then of the past few days. He explained he brought me to his home at once. That he had sired others before me but I had been the hardest to watch writhe in vampiric birth pains. He explained that I had blacked out for most of it, said it was my body's way of dealing with the immense pain of siredom. When he was finished I knew everything there was to know. Except the one question I hadn't asked yet for fear of the answer.
'Why me?' I asked him sheepishly.  He laughed at this question like I should have already known.
'By the Heavens, I wouldst hath thought the reasoning for that wouldst be most clear to thee upon thy meeting with my beloved Leigh.'
I looked over at Leigh and I knew. She smiled her sweet smile and I knew I was meant to be their child of sorts. I could feel the love they both held dearly for me.


When I came out of my reverie of my past, I was in the same clearing in the forest that I had taken the young mans life. I was alone thankfully and there was no trace that he or my beloved or me for that matter had ever been there. I shrouded myself in my hood and set out of the forest and into town. All seemed quiet. I slunk into the shadows yet again not wanting to be to confident. I could hear the church bells ringing. I recognized the chime. The town was in mourning. I quickened my pace through the shadows to the church. It was late and doubted anyone was out considering what had happened so I figured it was safe to venture into the churches cemetery. I crept quietly through the darkness looking for freshly turned up earth. I was startled by the sweetest voice I had ever heard in my life.
'Didst thou return to taketh me too?' I am not afraid of anything, but in that instance, I was terrified to turn and face her. I could feel the anger radiating off of her through me.. None the less I turned to face her. Staring straight into the beautiful green eyes of my angel, my beloved. I had no words. It was like at that moment all thoughts left me. I stared at her, my mouth hanging open I could hear her heart beat in the silence between us. I realized she was waiting for me to say something.
'Thou shouldst not be so close as this to me.' She snickered
'Doth thou believe I wouldst fear thee?' She closed the gap between us in one swift movement. Smiling all the while. Was she playing with me?
'Thou shouldst fear me, for I am a killer, as thou dost verily know.' I lowered my head from the shame I felt. Through clenched teeth she spoke.
'I dost know exactly what thou art.' When I looked into her eyes again, all I could feel was immense pain and hatred coming from her. I had never in my eternity as an immortal felt lower than I did at this moment. I started to turn and go.
'Thou must end me, vile creature.' I spun back to her feeding off of her anger now and growled low in my chest. She shrunk back from me in that instant. I cared not though, Chosen for me, or not I will not be spoken too a such by a mere mortal.
'If that is what thou wouldst truly wish, then I shalt gladly oblige thee.' I hissed. I could see the fear glowing in her eyes. I moved closer to her, keeping my eyes locked on her all the while. She was shaking now, anger and fear flowing through her whole body. I stopped myself taking a step backwards. She looked confused by my actions.
'Well, finish me, taketh me as thou hast my beloved Samuel.' Her voice cracked and I could see the tears flowing now.
'Ahh, verily I dost see, thou doth only attack they of unsuspecting eyes? Thou art a coward!' She said this with so much conviction, it burned through my soulless body. I was Searing with anger now I knew that if I didn't get away from her at once that I would destroy her and my future right along with her. I was trying plan my escape when in the distant I heard a voice and heavy footfall. No time to think now, I took one last look at her beautiful face, now distorted with fear and hatred. I turned and hurried away. Was it all an ambush? Had they known I would return? Of course she had told them what she had seen, after all she knew nothing of our destiny. Still I could not help but feel betrayed. I realize I had no right to feel this way. It is best that I get back to Devon's and warn him of what has happened here tonight. I am sure he already has an idea from my feelings of tonight, though they are a mixture He will still need to know everything. Back into the shadows I went moving swiftly and with purpose. I lost myself in thoughts of the nights events.....

© 2011 Firequeen

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Added on June 16, 2011
Last Updated on June 16, 2011




There isn't much to say about me. I am who I am. I am one of those people either you like me and you get me or you don't! I am finally comfortable in my own skin. which is truly nice since i have i.. more..

Suffer Suffer

A Poem by Firequeen

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A Chapter by Firequeen

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A Chapter by Firequeen