Skies and Seas - A Wrinthim Poem

Skies and Seas - A Wrinthim Poem

A Poem by The Flame of the Knight

A poem for the current novel I am working on, at first I had aspirations of this being inserted as an epigraph but now that I'm actually writing this, I have gotten very rusty with my poetry skills.

The sky teases the sea,
leads the sea towards adventure.
The sea is too noble for the sky,
unable to tell her the truth to how he feels.

The sky, so fair and blue,
dabbles in the world of the lost.
The sea, hardened and aloof,
seeks vengeance whatever the cost.

Though the sky loves the sea,
she knows she must keep her distance.
The touch of the waves would make her tremble,
the green of the sea makes her heart beat unbidden.

Lunua's cycle before the central sun will cease, perhaps,
before the sea will ever accept the sky's love.
Not that he doesn't want it,
he just doesn't feel worthy.

Though the three Gods of Wrinthim no longer roam,
the green of the seas will forever be eternal.
Though the Dead Hills forever rise,
the blue of the skies will never falter.

The love of the seas and the skies is precarious,
though both believe it to be true.
He cannot accept her for he cannot accept himself,
she cannot accept his life for she cannot truly live his life.

© 2021 The Flame of the Knight

Author's Note

The Flame of the Knight
Maybe if I keep up with working on the book and poems I will try to improve this one, as it stands it's been years since I've done this sort of thing.

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Added on August 28, 2021
Last Updated on August 28, 2021


The Flame of the Knight
The Flame of the Knight

The Dark Abyss in which I call my mind, CO

Just a guy living his life. more..
