It doesn't look to me like the poet left, friend. It looks to me like he's still with you.
Really well done! ENVY......
Posted 11 Years Ago
11 Years Ago
He leaves from time to time, though I often find him in the darkest of places, thank you :)
11 Years Ago
Poets love to live in darkness, don't they? Mine does that too. My poems are terrible if they're not.. read morePoets love to live in darkness, don't they? Mine does that too. My poems are terrible if they're not somewhat dark/depressing. No problem!
11 Years Ago
Haha I literally live in darkness most of the time XD The amount of time I even leave my room has be.. read moreHaha I literally live in darkness most of the time XD The amount of time I even leave my room has becomes drastically lowered since I started writing
11 Years Ago
Lol, that's impressive. I leave my room lots because if I didn't, my family would think there was so.. read moreLol, that's impressive. I leave my room lots because if I didn't, my family would think there was something wrong with me.
11 Years Ago
My family does think there is something wrong with me XD
11 Years Ago
Makes sense...I'm always told the people I hang out with are crazy. :)
11 Years Ago
Haha nothing wrong with that :) My friends are nuts! Barely see them any more though
11 Years Ago
I see my friends plenty. Well, except the ones who move away/I know online. But hurray .. read moreAww...
I see my friends plenty. Well, except the ones who move away/I know online. But hurray for crazy friends! XD
11 Years Ago
Haha I love crazy friends :) I don't have too many of them any more, but I love the ones I have. Tho.. read moreHaha I love crazy friends :) I don't have too many of them any more, but I love the ones I have. Though most of my friends now are from America and Sweden
11 Years Ago
I'm American, so most of my friends are I. America. Except the online ones.
I love all.. read moreI'm American, so most of my friends are I. America. Except the online ones.
I love all my friends! (Both near me and online)? They always brighten up my day!
11 Years Ago
Most of my friends are online friends now, I don't actually have any local friends as sad as it is. .. read moreMost of my friends are online friends now, I don't actually have any local friends as sad as it is. The only person I hang out with is my cousin, though he is awesome
11 Years Ago
Glad you have your cousin, though!
Online friends are great. You don't h.. read moreOh.....
Glad you have your cousin, though!
Online friends are great. You don't have to really worry about what people say to you and how they react because all you have to do is block them and the problem's fixed. I've also found that online friends make me feel better about stuff. Maybe it's 'cause I can talk to them about stuff. -shrug-
11 Years Ago
My cousin is awesome, we go to the pub and stuff like that with some old friends on the odd occasion.. read moreMy cousin is awesome, we go to the pub and stuff like that with some old friends on the odd occasion, so it's fun. We travel a lot too. Going to walk up Mt Snowdonia this year together :) Yeah that is the perks with online friends, though I never had much issue really :)
11 Years Ago
Neither have I.
Sounds fun! Hope you enjoy yourself!
11 Years Ago
It's going to be tiring as hell though we want to get to the top so we'll push ourselves to do it :).. read moreIt's going to be tiring as hell though we want to get to the top so we'll push ourselves to do it :) I think we plan to do it in March sometime
11 Years Ago
I don't think I could do it. I fail at physical activities.
Good luck!
11 Years Ago
I'm not the most fit person, but I have a lot of stamina, something my cousin lacks. He's strong but.. read moreI'm not the most fit person, but I have a lot of stamina, something my cousin lacks. He's strong but lacks stamina so it'll be interesting to see who tires out first
11 Years Ago
I have terrible stamina. Example:
Me jogging for 3 minutes: dead.
11 Years Ago
Haha oh yeah you get me jogging for 3 minutes you'll find me dead in the road XD Walking though, I c.. read moreHaha oh yeah you get me jogging for 3 minutes you'll find me dead in the road XD Walking though, I can walk for about 8 hours without needing a break. My cousin can only walk for about 3 maybe before starting to ache
11 Years Ago
And you two are climbing a mountain. Impressive.
8 hours, though?! Seriously?! That's c.. read moreAnd you two are climbing a mountain. Impressive.
8 hours, though?! Seriously?! That's crazy awesome. I could walk for maybe an hour. Dunno.
11 Years Ago
Well for this mountain you can walk right up to the summit without having to climb or do anything da.. read moreWell for this mountain you can walk right up to the summit without having to climb or do anything dangerous like that, it's a 6 hour journey up and a 6 hour journey back down, or you can catch the train down but we want to walk it all. Haha yeah, I can walk for a pretty long time without stopping, I just have tons of energy :)
I wouldn't make it up the mountain, let alone down. I have a really energetic friend and I can't kee.. read moreI wouldn't make it up the mountain, let alone down. I have a really energetic friend and I can't keep up.
11 Years Ago
Haha you wouldn't keep up with us then :) I'm ain't no city boy, I feel much more comfortable out in.. read moreHaha you wouldn't keep up with us then :) I'm ain't no city boy, I feel much more comfortable out in the countryside and well me and my cousin love the countryside, so naturally we like to walk a lot. So yeah we thought what would give us a challenge so we decided we'll travel to Wales and walk up the mountain there =D One day I want to trek up Machu Picchu
You know we've all been there. We read our previous work and think, I'll never write something that powerful or beautiful again because I don't know how I did it the first time. And you stare at the beauty around you but you can't wrap it up in your poetic bow and you wait. But while you wait you write a beautifully poetic piece about the arrival of the poet but he is there you just haven't noticed him standing over your shoulder smiling.
the irony is that this poem is excellent. this means you don't need your poet to write; it's only you. it's good you can express what most of us can't. great job.
Oh I love this! I think most around here would relate to it too.
You've captured the feeling so well. 'Your poet' was definitely there when you penned this piece.
It's beautiful.
I cannot tell you how much this matches my current condition! Its almost scary. At this very instant, I'm going through a massive poetry block, and its like a blank wall I cannot break through.
Beautifully expressed. Very relatable.
Great job.
give me back the eyes that saw wonder in the world. Sometimes I think it is the pressure of this same world that causes the Poet to lock up. Its not that the poet isn't there - its that the pressure screams over the poet voice.
Blown away by this one...I think there is an inherent need in every writer to tackle this subject at one time or another, and we all do it in different ways...I love your take on this, how the moon is simply the moon and the grass just grass, along with many other observations you've made...but it happens to us all, and we stick with it cuz the muse can't run forever...great piece.
We all lose that poet from time to time... and when he comes back he is indeed a warm muse...
I felt an old friend being missed dearly, and you seek him out once more..
This is a soft-spoken piece filled with wonderment and yearning.. for your words..
I believe he came to visit you this day...
My real name is John-Paul Crawford, I do voluntary work at Stroud FM and hopefully after my training will be allowed my own slot on air. Writing takes up most of my time, I'm always trying to better m.. more..