Kiss of Longing

Kiss of Longing

A Poem by Foxemerald


Kiss of Longing ~


I watch you for a time,

blue eyes wandering to the-

enigma of your sweet lips,

their wanton tease that holds me.


I see your blooming cheeks,

that frame your face with holly-decor-

eyes glitter with merry laughter,

singing me a song of grace,

and spread their mirth about me.

roses fine as tender with tender buds,

spread and bloom throughout you-

your fine, reddening cheeks-

I watch your face alight with,

those lovely thoughts, I long to kiss!


They press me with your silent whispers,

they kindle me with growing flames,

they leave my soul with painful longing,

and warm it with a desirous glow,

one that I alone can only see,

that dastardly flame of kindred love,

which pulls me to you close,

and holds me on your dangerous coals-

the rush of those desires . . .

when you finally-

press your lips into my kiss.

© 2014 Foxemerald

Author's Note

Please do let me know what you think! :)

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Added on May 4, 2014
Last Updated on May 4, 2014
Tags: romance




Hi, So, I see you’ve found me. Since the excitement and mystery of being the ‘anonymous writer’ has been shorn, let me tell you a little more about myself. I graduate with a Bache.. more..

Sick Sick

A Poem by Foxemerald