Christmas~The Bygone Years

Christmas~The Bygone Years

A Poem by Fran Marie

© 2022 Fran Marie

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This was beautiful and how I remember Christmas as a child. The first snowfall was something to celebrate, especially is it was enough for school to be closed that day. Building snowmen and having snowball fights and sledding down Yale Hill was how we spent our days. And you are right, I don't kids these days really know that feeling. Thank you for sharing this beautiful poem.

Posted 1 Year Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

  Fran Marie

1 Year Ago

Thank you kindly
glad you enjoyed


wonderlands in memory, Fran! your poem sparks those i have as well .. we spent hours out doors .. the more snow the better (up state NY) besides the fun and comradery we exhausted ourselves and getting inside, peeling off boots and layers of wet, snow plugged everything ... the after glow was divine .. thanks for sharing your "perfect" snowman and your brother with us .. right here at the Cafe'

Posted 6 Months Ago

  Fran Marie

6 Months Ago

Thank you E, yes those were the good old days
For sure....I so appreciate the kind review..
Thank you Fran for taking me back those days of joy
To play in the snow building snow men; snow ball fights

sadly all gone now
BUT we still remember the joy > cold hand forgotten

Posted 6 Months Ago

  Fran Marie

6 Months Ago

Thank you,for reading
so much appreciated.
Fran ur awesome in you work even I don't see but your word's have deep touch that leaves the mind wondering if we have right, love know you brought everything together. Thank you for sharing.

Posted 6 Months Ago

  Fran Marie

6 Months Ago

Thank you, Mauricio for reading
...& for the kind review..
Happy New Years to you. .�.. read more
Nostalgic and beautifully penned Fran Marie. You take me back many years to a time when I also played in the snow with siblings. Sadly I feel youngsters of today, miss out on something precious that we had. Your stanzas here are delightful. Happy new year to you. All good wishes for 2024.


Posted 6 Months Ago

  Fran Marie

6 Months Ago

Thank you Chris..🔔
and a very Happy New Year to you
What a true and very precious poem, Fran Marie.. it brings back the best and warm memories people should have.. but so many miss. Whatever you create seems to come from a wonderfully sincere heart... thank you so much.

Wishing you a happy, hopeful and loving new year.

Posted 6 Months Ago

  Fran Marie

6 Months Ago

Thank you emmajoy
Happy New Year 🎉
Wishing you All the best..

6 Months Ago

Thank you so very much!
A lovely poem Fran, and It reminded me of our snowmen that we built as kids.... those are indeed bygone you can't pull you kid from the computer...or perhaps they make fake snowmen on the computer...yet all of these fun memories belong to us and we do hold the dear to our hearts....
Warmly, B
Happy New Year!

Posted 7 Months Ago

  Fran Marie

6 Months Ago

Thank you Betty
..& Happy New Year🌲
Betty Hermelee

6 Months Ago

You’re very welcome Fran…and a Happy New Year to you!
Warmly, B
dearest Fran... I remember laying down upon the Snow and making Snow Angels by moving my Arms to create Wings that seemed so Real. I often saw the Angels flying around the Steeple to our Church close by. Childhood Memories where we walked to School in the Snow and sang Christmas Carols and other Songs written by Nat King Cole. Wishing you a Warm Hearth to Warm your Toes and Mistletoe kisses on Christmas Eve. I Believe in Magic. softly, Pat

Posted 7 Months Ago

  Fran Marie

7 Months Ago

Thank you dear Pat, yes the magic
is real I do believe..Merry Christmas
to you ..Peace.. read more
This was beautiful and how I remember Christmas as a child. The first snowfall was something to celebrate, especially is it was enough for school to be closed that day. Building snowmen and having snowball fights and sledding down Yale Hill was how we spent our days. And you are right, I don't kids these days really know that feeling. Thank you for sharing this beautiful poem.

Posted 1 Year Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

  Fran Marie

1 Year Ago

Thank you kindly
glad you enjoyed

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8 Reviews
Added on December 20, 2022
Last Updated on December 20, 2022


  Fran Marie
Fran Marie

Paris, KY

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