“They Cast Their Vote and The Majority Rule ”

“They Cast Their Vote and The Majority Rule ”

A Poem by G. A. Bernard

“They Cast Their Vote and The Majority Rule ”
They became of age to do it, so they went to the polling station to do their duty as citizens, even informing themselves of the issues at stake in their local community and the country at large.
They put pencil to paper and then watched as their ballot was efficiently collected and recorded.
The results were forthcoming the next day and those elected celebrated their momentous wins while the voters dutifully accepted the outcome.
The voters waited to see if the elected would pass legislation and govern or succumb to the seduction of power and glory.

Some of these elected officials have now surrendered to the intoxicating powers of politics and now play games with the voter’s trust in the system.
Their political grandstanding and posturing like peacocks while espousing their outlandish rhetoric, hides their true intentions - acquiescing to minority lobbyist groups in a vainglorious effort to please all.

They selfishly hold on to the power entrusted to them by their constituents in exchange for personal gain and the adulation of their sycophants.
They seem to forget that they were not elected to Please us all - but to Serve us all

                © G. A. Bernard 2022


© 2022 G. A. Bernard

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Added on February 16, 2022
Last Updated on February 16, 2022


G. A. Bernard
G. A. Bernard

Riverview, New Brusnwick, Canada

"A Writer-in-His-Own-Residence" Searching for peace and contentment by exploring words and attempting to resonate with a reader and perhaps publish at some point more..
