Dear Society,

Dear Society,

A Story by Gabby Nieves

Why do we let people dictate the things we do? How come it's perfectly acceptable to base YOUR decisions on what society says is right or wrong? If you want to get tattoos all over, f*****g do it! If you want to experiment with your hair colors, go for it! I will never for the life of me understand why things like this is such a big deal to everyone. Get the sticks out of your asses. No, I will not live my life the way you think I should. If someone wants a tattoo on their forehead that says f**k you, that's their f*****g business and nobody has the right to tell them otherwise. Look, put it this way, each of us WILL get old and we all WILL die someday. What's the difference if your wrinkly skin is just skin and someone else's wrinkly skin has art on it? Either way, the end result of our lives will always be the same. Go ahead and live your basic, society driven, 9-5 working, boring f*****g life all you want, but do not tell me that I have to do the same. Do you think anyone is gonna remember you for the way you played life safe and did what you "had to do"? Or are you gonna say f**k that, and live your life for YOU? You are the only one who wakes up every morning in that body, you're the only one who has to deal with the mistakes you make and the damage you cause, only you can feel happiness for yourself and you are the one who gets to live the way you want. So forget what everyone wants you to do, if you want to get tattoos and dye your hair and wear some crazy clothes, just f*****g do it man. And in the end of it all, when you're old and looking back on the life you lived, you can say that you did what you wanted, you took risks even though people said it was stupid and maybe they didn't agree. You can look back at all those embarrassing pictures of you and your rainbow hair when you were 17 and f*****g laugh your a*s off at the fact that you had the balls to try something like that. You will be the one with tons of stories and memories, good and bad. Don't ever let anyone tell you what you should and shouldn't do, don't let anyone tell you ART is not okay. Because each marking on your body, each scar, tattoo, piercing, every inch of you is a story, and it's beautiful. So f**k everyone and do what makes your story unique.

                     Sincerely, Gabby

© 2014 Gabby Nieves

Author's Note

Gabby Nieves
This is something very serious and dear to me. Your opinion is yours and that's that. But this is mine... maybe I got a little mad lol

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Get mad more often you make sense.

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

It all comes back to persecution, I guess. This is just another version. People feel that you’re doing something harmful to them if you're not just like they are.

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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2 Reviews
Added on September 13, 2014
Last Updated on September 13, 2014