Straight Jacket Walls

Straight Jacket Walls

A Poem by Gatlianne


For so long
I held the belief
That my house could not be my own
Because my knight in shining armor
Was coming to whisk me away
To a castle on yon
And because of this belief
My own home
Was not my own
Instead a shell
With bland
Straight jacket walls
Of emotionless dirty white
My walls could not have color
My yard no plants
Nothing done
Nothing vested
So that when my knight arrived
After his long and weary journey to me
I could quickly pack and go
Leaving behind
The drab walls of white
With no never mind and no sorrow
But with good riddance
To ride off into the sunset
To my forever
But my prince never came
And though I searched
Hoped & Dreamed
-    He never came
And when I left behind yet another
Who did not fit the horse
I came back to my beautiful house
And loosed the ties of the straight jacket walls
Let my veins unleash upon them
The emotion and energy of me
Until the walls were stained with my being
A colorful collision of all there is
And all there ever was
And in the collision
The bonds of belief were released
And my home became an extension of the person
And the person
-    Became reborn

© M/Gatlianne 2009

© 2009 Gatlianne

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Added on March 4, 2009



Athens, AL

Described by some as an alien disguised as a beautiful earthling woman, inner peace in human form, and a tiny ball of fire, Gatlianne knew at a young age that she was different from her peers. Growin.. more..

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A Poem by Gatlianne