Her Beauty

Her Beauty

A Poem by GhostlyGlow

Kind eyes

Skin so smooth

Long eyelashes

She looks like you


Scattered freckles

Soft hair

She looks so nice

She seems so rare


Watery eyes

A red head

What's happening?

Was I misled?


Her looks decieved me

This is a schism

But I still love her

She has autism


I care for her deeply

I help her out

We were meant to be

There is no doubt


We could be together

I know it, so

We're not different

That, I know


She has autism

And so do I

But only in dreams am I ever happy

I have six months until I will die


© 2012 GhostlyGlow

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This story isn't about me, by the way.

Posted 12 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on June 27, 2012
Last Updated on June 27, 2012