Shadows past (The story of Alex) Scene 2 The confrontation

Shadows past (The story of Alex) Scene 2 The confrontation

A Story by Glazier

With his cousin now (or so Alex believes to be) cornered in a family's home, Alex attempts to stop his cousin without bringing harm to the dwellling's family within.


     As the door finally came to a rest open the attention of his cousin turned to the person who had dared to impose on his pleasurement.


     The hatred that his cousin now had for Alex apparent in his cousin's eyes and with his cousin's fangs showing Alex knew then what his cousin had intended to do to the poor woman (for a Vampire only bared its fangs when they were about to feed and for no other reason that Alex could think of).


     "Welcome cousin" sneered his cousin. "Have you come to kill me or watch us feed?" finished Alex's cousin with still the look of hatred in his eyes tinged with a little fear.


     "Theodore" said Alex of his cousin. "I've come her to kill you if you will not turn from your feeding ways. You have escaped me once dear cousin, you will not escape me again. It was then after saying those words that Alex for the first time became aware of the presence of two other bodies in the single room dwelling.


     The bodies were of an middle-aged man and woman. The man lay at the left hand corner of the room with his feet to the back wall (the man lay between the left hand wall and three beds that lay end to end). The woman lay at the left corner against the front wall with her feet pointing to the front wall of the dwelling and her head pointing in the direction of her (no doubt husband's) head (for the middle-aged couples head pointed in the direction of each other).


     The face of the man faced into the room and the face of the woman faced the left hand wall of the dwelling. Both necks showing puncture marks and very little signs of blood. The signs of very little blood Alex simple dismissed as that of these people being completely drained of blood. Alex could see how this event of feeding must have unfolded. A Vampire (namely his cousin) appearing at the door and using his mesmerizing gaze to pacify those within the dwelling so that they would not pose a threat or resist. And then ultimately the feeding began. The man standing before Alex now was not the same dear Theodore that he had grown up with, but a monster now. One that would only quench his blood lust with the blood of humans (and only innocent humans). Alex knew then that though his love for his cousin was strong, Alex's love for justice had to be stronger.


     Gripping the stake in his right hand Alex took a step towards his cousin.


     The reaction of his cousin Theodore was quick and aggressive. Moving his hand from the woman's jaw to he throat Theodore threatened,"Take one more step and I'll snap her neck. You don't want to see anything happen to this little beauty do you Alex?"


     Alex stood rooted to the spot then, worried that any move that Alex made would result in her death.


     "You are a persistent one I'll give you that" said Theodore,"I would have thought that you would have come straight after me that night in the farmers village instead of taking time to bury the dead.You would heave caught me you know. I would not have had the time like I did to get away if it was not for the fact that you and those warrant officer (the last two words Theodore said with a sneer) taking the time to bury the dead. You and those warrant officers are pathetic, you actually care for these weak and pitiful humans lives." finished Theodore as the hatred for Alex and what he represented (namely that of a protector of the innocent and a man of justice) burned greater in Theodore's eyes.


     As Alex still stood rooted to his spot at the dwellings smashed in doorway, Alex stared into the eyes of the woman and saw the fear in her eyes and saw the look of utter horror at how easily her death could unfold at any moment with any sudden (though well intentioned move made by Alex) to save her life from his cousins evil ways.


     "So it seems that we are at an impasse at the moment" said Theodore to his cousin Alex with the obvious look of delight on his face as a sick and twisted smile showed on his lips (the look of delight coming at the expense of Alex and the woman help hostage in the hands of Theodore). Theodore both truly and cruelly delighted at this game of life and possible death. For Theodore well knew that he had the upper hand at the moment. For with one slight grip of his hand on the woman's throat would cause her would-be saviour and his would-be hunter to stay rooted to his spot at the doorway and at the same time cause his human shield to tense knowing that her death could be near.


     "So you would kill me, would you cousin?" asked Theodore of Alex with the understanding of the answer that would come from his cousin's lips, and with the same twisted and cruel smile showing on his face Theodore waited to see if his cousin was truly a hunter of the lost vampires or was just a would-be one.


     "If you are not willing to leave your feeder ways then you leave me no choice but to kill you and free both yourself and the world of the villainous ways." said a confident Alex as to the reason for the hunt and what he would probably have to do.


     "You know we aren't that different from one another. Both you and I Alex." said Theodore as a somewhat less cruel and more human response to the situation graced Theodore's facial features. We are both hunters you and I, though from different ends of the spectrums. You Alex a hunter of the wicked and me a hunter of the good." said Theodore of his cousin Alex as a look of sorrow showed on both Theodore and Alex's face now. The sorrow on Theodore's face being then both quickly and easily supplanted by that same cruel look of a hunter lost on his face.


     "I ask you this then once Alex" said Theodore of Alex with a look the of mild interest showing on his face,"Join me now and together we will spread such fear both far and wide, both near and far of two hunter gone wild. And we will show these warrent officer of Lord Dracul who's not be reckoned with."


     "I will never join you" said Alex of Theodore with a look of disgust showing on his face at the proposition that Theodore just made to Alex. "And how could you do these things after what had happened to your parents. Them being feed upon to death by a feeder Vampire and all. You would have been next if it hadn't been for a Werewolf named Bruno saving you and killing the Vampire that had killed your parents." finished Alex while a renewal of sorrow washed over Alex's face again at the thought of what had happened to his cousin's parents and what would have happened to his cousin if that feeder Vampire had not been stopped so long ago.


     And as a look of sorrow once more graced the features of Theodore's face, Theodore said, "They were weak.They deserved what they got". Though with the look on Thedore's face and by the tone of Theodore's voice Alex well knew that Theodore did not mean those words at all but still missed his parents most deeply, thought he did not remember them since they had both dead when he was a baby.


     "Well if you cannot see my reasoning and join me" said Theodore as he once again looked into the eyes of Alex with that same look of cruelty tinged with cunning showing in both his eyes and on his face, no doubt the peaces of a plan of escape that had been fermenting in his mind had finally come together (no doubt the plan he had come up with he had come up with during the time of their conversation as Theodore stalled for precious time to make his escape) and as Theodore continued to look into Alex's eyes Theodore continued,"then just try and kill me, try and keep us if you can." And with that Theodore released his grip on the woman's throat and then shoved her to the floor hard (she landed on the floor on her stomach while her arms slid out from underneath her leaving her breathless but otherwise unhurt and relatively safe) and then Theodore leaped through a open window that lay at the back wall of the dwelling.


     And as Alex watched as his cousin land on his feet and takeoff running east,Alex then eyed the window that he did not know was there in the beginning (this lack of knowledge was due to the fact that both Theodore and the woman that he used as a human shield blocked the view of the window so well).


     Moving then instinctively to the woman's side he helped the woman (gasping for air to regain he breath) with his left hand braced beneath her left underarm to rise to her feet. "Stay here." said Alex of the woman which he realized then was not a woman at all but a very mature looking older female teenager,"You'll be safer here for Theodore will not return at least not this night with the day drawing so much closer to the night now, seeing that the night will soon to be putting him on the disadvantage and the warrant officers on the advantage. Seeing as such he'll want to make his escape as quick as possible." And as Alex's instructions to the older teenager started to draw to a close he said," The nightwalkers' can sense death better than I and they will since what has happened her and will find you her and can give you aid, I on the other hand must continue my hunt of my evil cousin if I'm to stop him. I'll return to see you off to safety if I can." and with that Alex released his hold on the teenagers underarm, turned to the window and running and the window leaped through it as well all the while attempting to pursue his evil cousin.

© 2009 Glazier

Author's Note

Please give me reviews on this piece or any other of my writings. Thank you.

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Added on December 13, 2009
Last Updated on December 27, 2009



Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Hi, may Name is Geogre Glazier and I'm 34. I haven't had much time to be online on Writerscafe for the past while because I've gotten back to my writing. I'm still trying to finish off a book I've bee.. more..
