Prima Natura

Prima Natura

A Story by Alex GoodGuy Greganti

The only reason Myc entered the Forge was in order for her to escape reality, but her knowledge is automatically challenged by an A.I named Charles and who offers to tell her her race.


“Infinite Possibilities” read the sign in big blue letters. The sign itself was aligned perfectly above the golden doors that seemed to have no hinges what-so-ever. Basic physics are only a guideline in this place. Anything was possible. There were no limits. This was a place where morals and laws did not exist.

There were hundreds of reflections, humans, chimeras, and altered’s standing around waiting for authorization to enter the Forge. It was surprising to see that these life forms got along so nicely compared their actions in the real world. Even though each life form had originated from earth�"even if it is by genetic mutation, cloning, or by some unknown creator�"the real world showed signs of active hostility against each other. Constant acts of evil and immorality were a constant in real life.

“This is a place of peace!” an old man suddenly yelled among the group. He wore long white robes with a green sash across his chest. In his hands he held a golden staff that seemed to have an unnatural way of reflecting light. The man’s body flickered for a moment, shifting, and then returning back to normal. He was an A.I. The old man began floating into the air and a smile grew on his face. He began rambling on rules of the Forge that were completely meaningless to most life forms; expect the reflections which only came to existence a year or two ago.

Then he began stating the scientific names of the life forms to display his ‘all knowing knowledge’. “Homo Imgurais!” he said pointing to a reflection, “Enter the Forge! Live your dreams! Experience utopia!” the reflection grew a large smile from this sarcastic sounding statement. It ran to the doors and waiting for them to be opened. The old man raised his staff, and the doors opened allowing the reflection to run through.

“This is ridiculous” a young English sounding woman said to herself. Her name was Myc Farex (pronounced Mick Fair-ix). Her origins were unknown. She was not Human, nor any of its subspecies. She was simply found one day on the doorstep of an orphanage with only symbols on a letter that seemed to spell out her name. People guessed at her ethnicity assuming she may be anything from British to Indian. Soon enough, it was obvious she wasn’t human. For a while she took claim of being a Cleric of some kind, but it was deemed to be false when her body rejected Reverb Inscriptions (these were magical symbols used by the clerics to preform spells and other related actions).

Feeling as if she was not accepted by anyone, she let her appearance express herself without being afraid of judgement. Her eyes were two different colors (one was green one was blue), she shaved half of her head only to allow the other side to grow down to her elbows, and she pierced her nose, her lips twice, and both of her ears two times. But despite her description, she was beautiful.

The old man traveled to where she was and stared at her. His face contorted a little bit and he began to think of what to say. “Hello Unknown number 0001! I haven’t seen anyone like you! But don’t you worry! You will be accepted here.” Some of the other life forms turned when they heard this, but quickly went about their own business. Myc simply stared back at the old man is a blank stare.

“What are you waiting for? Walk through the gate!” the old man said to her with a smile on his face. Myc walked past him avoiding contact with anyone else. She did not rush her time to get to the gate. Just in a couple of steps towards the gate there was yelling. A human in a black suit was yelling around with his fists in the air. Its movements were odd and jagged, probably caused by a weak link on their end or unstable brain waves. Myc ignored the man and continued towards the door. Just as she reached the gate, a scream ran through the room. She turned around to see that the man had somehow become trapped inside a table and it was now fused with him. She quickly walked through the gate, ignoring the horror.

Each participant within the forge had reservations for their own white space until they reached the public area. As Myc walked collecting her thoughts, the white space began to gain colour. Dirt and grass appeared out of nowhere, redwood began to sprout, and surreal creatures only fully describable through seeing them with one’s own eyes.

The creatures formed from the earth one by one. Bulky masses of dirt, stone, grass, and wood began to clump together. They were giant compared to Myc. Their bodies were made of dirt while the stone began to morph over the body like armor. Their faceless heads only stared at Myc, then to each other. They were called Golems.

The Golems walked around the redwoods collecting materials and building a home. They were at peace. Given they had no mental capabilities to express hate, jealously, envy, or other natural emotions, they worked together as one entity. She stood there admiring everything she had thought up. She never thought that she could have this much control over anything, it was bliss.

Then it stopped. Those short moments of happiness and feeling of belonging had disappeared as her white space was reset. Usually, white space time lasts longer but for some reason it was cut short. She found herself in a small coffee shop staring into a cup filled with a brown sweet liquid. The thoughts she previously had about her Golems were gone. Forgotten.

The coffee shop had adopted an oriental theme to it. Bamboo could be found in the tables, chairs, floors, and walls. Chinese lanterns were floating just underneath the ceiling. Faint shadows danced on the walls and on the floor even though no solid object was creating them. The chairs were crafted from bamboo but had no legs. They simply floated around wooden disks. Everything was balanced. The odd feature of the restaurant was that the waitresses were dressed in a classic outfit that one would only find in the 1980’s and all the beverages were western.

“What are you?” said a shrill, childish voice. Myc lifted her head to meet the voice’s source. A small brown haired child about six years of age stared at her. He leaned his head to the side like a dog, and examined her. They stared at each other for a while, and then a waitress holding a tray of coffee tapped the boy with her foot.

“Charles, you know better than to ask such things. She’s obviously a human of some kind.” The waitress continued on her way delivering the drink to a lizard-chimera only a couple feet away. Charles had an ashamed look on his face and pulled up a chair next to Myc. Charles rolled his eyes in response to the waitress and continued talking to Myc.

“It’s obvious you’re not human! First off, no one has pixie cuts as hairstyles anymore!” Myc stared at the boy with a concerned look. She was starting to think that Charles was simply some child looking for attention.

“Your skin colour isn’t even genetically possible to create with the natural human palette and your breathing is slowed down about three times as much as a human but somehow you manage to function perfectly. If any human in this café had a breathing rate such as yours they would be a vegetable in no time!” It was obvious that Charles was an AI. Myc couldn’t tell why this AI was so interested in her, but she ignored it and listened to it speak.

“So what do you suppose I am Charles?” Said Myc interested in what the AI thought. Charles stood there for a moment staring at Myc, then to the waitress, then back to Myc. Without notice, the café had transformed into a bamboo forest. Bamboo sprouts shot out of the ground within seconds and grew instantly into the air. The forest floor was too smooth and unnatural to have existed in the natural world.

Only a few feet ahead, a Golem appeared with glowing red eyes. It was not like the ones Myc had created earlier. The Golem in front of her contained mostly wood and stone with only its own gravity holding it together. The Golem didn’t move. It only looked at Myc.

“Kill it. Core Golems are not that strong.” Charles said with a smile on his face. Myc turned to the Golem and stared at it. It was nothing she could have thought up. She couldn’t understand how killing this Golem would give her answers, but she decided that there would be no harm in hopes of find out some form of information. She stood and thought to herself. What was the point of killing the golem? She turned her head and stared Charles in the eyes.

“I’m not going to waste my time.” she told him, “Just tell me who I am. I don’t know why you want me to do this, but I won’t be manipulated.” She wanted to stay true to her word, but by the time she finished talking, the Golem was right beside her. Its massive arm sung without notice and hitting her body. She flew through the air like a ragdoll and collided with a redwood. A large crack echoed through the forest signaling that at least one rib had been shattered. She crashed to the ground aching in pain. She swore out loud and turned to Charles. He only smiled.

“If you don’t kill him, you will just wake up. I’m sure you don’t want that just yet.” Charles threatened with a smile on his face. She coughed towards the ground and specks of blood shattered like glass. She ignored the apparent physics of this place and focused. She held out her hand towards the Golem as it slowly stepped closer and closer. Vines sprouted out of the ground and climbed up her body and spiraled around her left arm.

 A vine formed like a large tendril branching from her arm as she muttered “Manducare Stercore”. When the Golem was about six feet away, the vine leapt forward, and wrapped around it and tied its arms together. The Golem attempted to pull itself free, but the vines only tightened limiting its movements. With a pull, the Golem fell to the ground. The vine left Myc’s arm allowing her to finish off the Golem. She held out both of her hands with her palms facing the Golem.

The earth shook as Myc’s eyes tuned black. Her heart rate and breathing increased. In reality, she had never done a move like this because in theory, it would involve literally using her life force, but since this was simply a program there was unlimited supply. Immediately, ebony spikes shot out of the earth piercing the Golem. It’s arms moved and it let out a loud moan.

“Finish it.” Charles said peeking out from behind a tree.

Resolvo.” she spoke under her breath. The ebony spikes bent over the Golem, and dragged it down into the earth, bringing it back from where it came from. The forest cleared bringing her back to the white space. She turned and faced Charles.

“So tell me what the bloody hell I…” she started to say right before a bullet traveled through her head waking her up. Darkness covered her eyes, air covered her skin. And she knew she was awake.

Prima Natura. Better known as a Teleo A voice said that could not be recognized. “We are the only people left. Our people were wiped out by the Ezikeal forces when Haieker took control and felt threatened by the Dijnn’s. Although we are related to Dijnn’s, were more…how do I put this? Dangerous.” Myc opened her eyes and sat up to stare at whoever was speaking to her.

The man had the looks of a twenty year old; he had blue eyes, short light brown hair, and a slightly narrow face. He was also very different; bandages covered his arms and also a scar started at the top of his left eye and went down to his jaw (possibly from a blade of some kind).

Myc believed him. For once in her life this was something she believed without doubt.

“What’s your name?” Myc asked with her eyes wide. The man pulled his hood off revealing two small, pearl-white horns on the top of his head.

“My given name is Omnis Anima, but you may call me Cheshire. Now let’s go. Before Hound finds us.”

© 2014 Alex GoodGuy Greganti

Author's Note

Alex GoodGuy Greganti
Ignore grammar problems :)

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Added on March 2, 2014
Last Updated on March 2, 2014
Tags: Ai, computer program, alternate reality, aliens, action, golems, elements


Alex GoodGuy Greganti
Alex GoodGuy Greganti

WINDSOR, Ontario, Canada

I am currently working on a short story series AND a novel based in a "universe" that I created. I hope someday to become a full time writer. I'm very easy to get along with, ill talk about anything (.. more..
