I Keep Telling Myself It's Just Not In My Hands

I Keep Telling Myself It's Just Not In My Hands

A Poem by Mike Goodwin

get it rite get it rite


I feel like I am very bad at this

Predicting what people are going to do

I can call the score of a game

And the weather outside

But I can’t quite see in someone else’s mind.


I don’t think I can read faces

I can’t even read eyes

I don’t get the cues in words

Unless they are on a page

Or mine.


I listen heavily

Ears more active than mouth

But I can’t hear signs, I can’t see signs

While others succeed with more mouth than mind.


I can undress a problem with focus and work

And see all the angles, or the ones necessary

But I can’t figure people out

Without insights from the people themselves

Mental blocks that I can’t snake about.

Maybe I’m just fine and I don’t take risks

But I wouldn't like to admit that difference

It has hindered in the past

But, in the mind really, not truly

Large things only know of this excitement.


I feel as if I am very bad at reading people

But I am probably not

I know nothing, and that’s why I should read.

But, I only know what I need.


It is enough to drive one insane

And it truly stimulates the brain

The brain that’s bad at reading others

And that just can’t quite call your name.


© 2012 Mike Goodwin

Author's Note

Mike Goodwin
get it rite get it rite

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very nice...dont worry some people are just good at hiding everything :)

Posted 11 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on October 31, 2012
Last Updated on October 31, 2012
Tags: gg, noobs, OP, bad, at, reading, others, i, keep, telling, myself, its, just, not, in, my, hands