Seasonal Disposition

Seasonal Disposition

A Poem by Nicholas Duboe

Been awhile since I have posted but I put this together and I wanted a good home for it. I hope you like it and feel free to leave a comment.


Seasonal Disposition

Winter brings a cooling calmness

And a bone chilling thought

Relaxation mixed insomnia

And sound sleep store bought

Spring blooms a better day

It reminds the beauties of living

Reborn to yearn for something more

And to earn somehow by giving

Summer brings out that inner shine

An excitement to go and explore

To drive for miles and miles on end

To wade out from the shore

Fall withers nature’s saturation

Surroundings begin to decay

As do I it seems my dear

Slowly each and every day. 

Winter brings back its calmness

Along with a that chilling thought

I can't help but ponder how many more

of these seasons on Earth that I’ve got

How many times will I watch the world die?

How many times will it resurrect?

How many days will pass me by?

And how many will I neglect?

I won’t know till the end I guess

As I fade like a summer’s light

But when I do I sure hope it's true

That overall I did alright. 

© 2021 Nicholas Duboe

My Review

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I live in Michigan. The four seasons can be a bear.
"I won’t know till the end I guess
As I fade like a summer’s light
But when I do I sure hope its true
That overall I did alright."
I liked the above lines. The cold of Winter make the days of Summer. More wonderful. Thank you Nicholas for sharing the amazing poetry and your thoughts.

Posted 2 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on December 28, 2021
Last Updated on December 28, 2021
Tags: poetry, poem, sad, depressing, emotional, seasonal, seasons


Nicholas Duboe
Nicholas Duboe

Bowie, TX

Hello there, my username is a pen name to be honest but I am currently 26 years old. I am a husband, a father and a son. I am also a poet and attempting novelist. I began writing years ago using Books.. more..
