The Abduction

The Abduction

A Story by Beatrice Boyle (Grandma Bea)

Beward of strange creatures in the night!


Sleep had eluded me that night, my body restless and taut, thrashng against the sheets as if I were preparing for battle. A strange foreboding invaded my being, as if I were being warned of impending doom!

What was I afraid of? Why did I feel so threatened? I had had a wonderful evening, having had dinner with my dearest friends and the conversation and food were superb. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, I fell into a fitful sleep.

Suddenly, I was prodded into consciousness by cold hands probing my body. Instantly, I was fully awake trying to fend off the assailants, who by now were mustering their collective strength to hold me down, trying to calm me into submission. I was no longer in my own bed at home, but in a stark, strange room! As I tried to see their faces in the semi-darkness of the room, I discovered they were all wearing masks. Who were these creatures...what did they want with me...why was I here? I had a strange foreboding that they were not of this world.

A few weeks ago, I had read a magazine article by a couple in the mid-west, who claimed to have been abducted by aliens and taken to a space ship, where they were examined and then released without harm. Was that what was happening to me? Why had I been selected...surely, a younger person would have been more suitable.
Finally, I could hold them off no more, and as my strength gave out, I felt the prick of a sharp needle go through my upper arm. Almost instantly, my body had lost the ability to move and I gave up the struggle.

They proceeded to transport me to what seemed like a fully equipped laboratory and left me lying on a cold, steel table. It was then that I noticed the tools lying on an adjacent counter. I was slowly losing consciousness, but I saw what I perceived to be an Ax and…so help me…a Saw! Could this be some horrible nightmare? I fought to rouse my self from it, if indeed, that's what it was, when I mercifully fell into an eerie, black nothingness.

The next thing I knew, I was aware of a hand on my shoulder, shaking me awake and the voice was vaguely familiar. I was one of the creatures that had abducted me last night!

"Good Morning Bea, chirped Dr. Livingston, "how are you feeling this morning? Your operation went very well, and now you have a brand new knee. Congratulations, now you will be able to walk in the park to your hearts content and even dance a little. Just don't try to run, or you'll be back here next week. If you do have to come in again, I think we'll try to use a different didn't seem to tolerate this one very well!"

© 2009 Beatrice Boyle (Grandma Bea)

Author's Note

Beatrice Boyle  (Grandma Bea)
Cretique invited

My Review

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Very very clever! You did a great job with this one--quite believable, I'd say!

Posted 15 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on March 1, 2009


Beatrice Boyle  (Grandma Bea)
Beatrice Boyle (Grandma Bea)

Woodcliff Lake, NJ

Hi from Grandma Bea. I am 81 yrs. young and have been writing for the last 25 years or so. My whole world consists of classical music, Opera ( I was a classicaly trained Soprano, singing Opera, Broa.. more..
