A Paradigm of the Cloth

A Paradigm of the Cloth

A Poem by Gray Witch

Payback is a b***h


A Paradigm of the Cloth



No one suspected this virtuous,

strong man to be weak,

obsessed and fool hardy.

It just wasn't an option,

or a consideration

in the day, way back when.


Young females, however,

were seen as dangerously tempting

This unsuspecting male,

Captured by an Eve-child

in God's Garden east of Eden.


What did she do to seduce

 a man of her father’s age?

Pheremones  secreted

He be caught and tortured,

by an innocent young child . . .

Really? Really? Not lust?


Church elders chose to see

an enchantress, no victim here

of his sexual desire

She was the problem,

he was unwittingly the dupe.


Unbelievable, monstrous

but so very continental

were the views of grown adults

twisted to protect the preaching

predator, one of their own

regardless of  the damage.


"Throw the child to the wolves.

Draw the stagecoaches in a circle.

Burn the little witch!" they cried.

Blindly blame is placed on the

Innocent to protect the pirhana.


A lifetime past and the end is in sight,

at Heaven's gate his Maker solemnly waits.

How will he be able to explain

that he took a child's innocence?


To many a reverend

Surely he failed, took her

childhood out of lust and desire,

never blinking an eye.

On death’s doorstop however

we all become accountable,


Maybe then he will finally be able to see.

© 2013 Gray Witch

Author's Note

Gray Witch
Why is it that intelligent men choose to demonize a child rather than the predator? My description of the young girl is to show what they 'thought' and how ridiculous it was and is to blame the child........Right?

My Review

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It is not the child fault. I have uncle in my family who molested my mother. Poor mother had to take care of the demon at death. I believe men in power need to be watched and control. At my job. Camera's are everywhere. To ensure people do what is right. A very interesting poem. I believe any man who abuse a child need to go to prison. Thank you for a poem that open the door to a long discussion. A excellent poem.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Gray Witch

11 Years Ago

Thank you for reading my poem. I totally agree with you....
Yes grown adults are sometimes akin to the witch burners of past. They would rather blame an innocent child then question a system which allows predators easy access to prey. You express this perfectly...

I will be emailing you soon... life's been so hectic.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Gray Witch

11 Years Ago

Looking forward to your email....

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2 Reviews
Added on April 16, 2013
Last Updated on April 19, 2013
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Gray Witch
Gray Witch

...Meanwhile back in Canada...near Niagara Falls, Ontario.............. (<-------------¯_(ツ)_/¯ wavin'), Canada

Ms Daniels, (AKA - GrayWitch) is an Environmental and Social Activist, Communications Consultant to local and provincial governments, and former Nurse. She has studied Sociology, Criminology and Devia.. more..


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