That Voice Inside Your Head

That Voice Inside Your Head

A Poem by Green

Dear ___________


Dear _______,

I am just a


inside your head

as you read this letter.

That's all I am.

You can try to read it like you think I would.

Putting all the

inflections where I would.

Trying to give it

that 'thing' that was

distinctly me.

But it doesn't fit right anymore

does it?

Because all I am now

Is that voice inside your head

That can only


like me

as you read this letter.



© 2013 Green

Author's Note


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I like your choice of interesting wordplay. I think your poem is truly unique. I look forward to reviewing
some more of your writing.

Posted 10 Years Ago

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Nice wordplay...I like that it can be interpreted in various ways...
Perhaps even Dear John, goodbye letter. Nice

Posted 10 Years Ago

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Your very much yourself congrats on a great piece.

Posted 10 Years Ago

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It seems no one has crack this riddle yet. I'll give myself a try. This is really open to so many different interpretations unless you can guess what really the author intended motive and meaning.
1.The author addressed it in a letter like format talking in first person
2. The author introduce and revealed herself as a voice whispering inside someone's head
3. The author single herself out in a voice and that's all she is ... could it be a hint ? First what are these things that could somehow represents a voice ? conscience guilt memories nagging thought
4, The author reiterated not once, not twice, but three times that she's all that is - a voice !
5. If you hear and aware of this so called voice or inner voices why it doesn't fit anymore ?
It used to fit but not anymore ... a changed a sudden realization or a rude awakening.
6. From the Psychiatric point of view I will ruled out delusions and hallucinations here. There was nothing in the authors note that's suggestive or indicative of such impression for now until i finish the whole lines
7.Too little information to pinpoint and single out this voice . But I think there's that one subtle hint
8. I believe this is a Psychiatric case . " But it doesn't FIT RIGHT anymore, does it? " . If the author write something like this I think the hint is cleverly mask and its in this line...What doesn't fit right anymore ?
You hear this voices and sounds inside your head. Its very distinct .... auditory hallucinations. and delusions. It has so many subtypes and categories depending on what the voices are telling the person.

I think I knew who wrote the letter. If you are suffering or being tormented by these voices then this letter is address to you. And the sender is Mr Schizophrenia.

Posted 10 Years Ago

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This was wonderful...I like your style...:).................

Posted 10 Years Ago

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Amazing abstract write. I loved its open-ended nature :)

Posted 10 Years Ago

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Anand Sehgal

10 Years Ago

You can try to read it like you think I would.

Putting all the

inflections.. read more
This is very interesting and also very difficult to interpret. I read it several times and couldn't figure what is about. Could you explain to me what the writing is about.

Posted 10 Years Ago

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18 Reviews
Added on December 14, 2013
Last Updated on December 14, 2013




I'm living in the good ol' south of the US of A. Professionally, I'm an engineer and I guess that means I'm supposed to know things. I don't always. I write because I can, and because I can write word.. more..

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