Getting Even Tougher

Getting Even Tougher

A Poem by Yina

Sequal to "Tough Times"


Times were tough weren't they? They still are. Or is it just me?

I wouldn't want anyone else to have to go through my life, that's for sure!


I thought things were maybe, just maybe getting better between Mom an Dad.

That's what I thought. I hoped. From the bottom of my heart.

An then this.


It happens every single time I get my hopes up.

I start hoping things are getting better only to have

everything crash down in my face!

I really really doubt I'll ever trust myself to

let someone get close enough to love me.

It hurts so much to have them crush that in your face.


Once to often is all it takes.


Dad, you left once to often


Mom, you asked that question once to often


Guys, you broke my hert once to often



Some day I hope to be a normal lovable person again...





           SOME DAY

© 2011 Yina

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Author's Note

The poem says it all. An same thing goes for this writing as for "Tough Times"

Hoping your life is better

My Review

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Your emotions in this hit me like a punch in the gut as a woman who has children that have gone through an ugly divorce between their dad and I. I'm sorry for what you are going through, life is so unfair and so harsh sometimes, but then something incredible happens, maybe just something very simple, and it makes you feel joy inside and you appreciate it so much because of the struggles you've had to endure. With each challenge, or heartbreak in life we become better and stronger, trust me. It isn't about the hits you take, it's how you handle them and whether or not you get back on your feet and push onward. Push baby Girl!
And write write write because you have no idea how you are touching so many of us out here with your raw emotions and your reflections! Bravo!

Posted 12 Years Ago

Sweetie, you are a normal person in a world that is not always pleasant. Your poem is touching and hits me in the heart. Those of us who live through and with turmulous times know too well the pain its derived from. You wrote a wonderful heart felt poem packs a punch. Keep up the writing...its so healing.

Posted 12 Years Ago

Oh, Fairy! :( I've heard of people struggle with their parents fighting, divorcing, etc., but I never really knew what they meant, because my family was always close, believing what the Bible says of loving each other, and not going for divorce, but trying to help each other-- even when it's rough. I'm sorry that you, so sweet, have to go through all this. :( I'll keep on praying for you.

This poem, I could tell, was poured out from the depths of your heart, and you expressed how you felt beautifully and emotionally. It was heartbreaking, but I could still feel a touch of hope. :)

Posted 12 Years Ago

The poem is expressed with emotion and heart. My heart goes out to you, and the whole situation. And the sentiment 'Some day I hope to be a normal lovable person again...' hope it comes true :)

Posted 12 Years Ago

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14 Reviews
Added on July 2, 2011
Last Updated on July 6, 2011




Howdy:) I'm a 18-year-old girl that... well lets just say, I looked thru some writings posted here at writerscafe an even tho I've never writin any poems or stories or anything, it looks like fun an I.. more..

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