The Story, Thats About The Man

The Story, Thats About The Man

A Story by Hagkey

this is a work in progress write and to be honest i not the best writer and not good at spelling and grammar so sorry if its s**t but i love to hear what people think.


Prom it’s a time to look back of all the successful of others and what’s happened in the year but what people don’t tell you is that it’s the biggest part of year and that what happens on that night be fines who you are and what you become. And then they say that the relationship is the biggest part of your life and that feeling you get when someone finally hits you and breaks you down to nothing and That was Mio, she was the girl that broke me the first time and to be honest you normally hear the story of love about how we meet and how we feel in love but instead i want to tell the pain of the break up and then what happened and then you can look at me and judge. So here is the story of Mo the girl that i had a 3 days relationship with but had the biggest impact on me.

So when you hear about a love story it normally lasts about weeks or months or just days but then you read about them couples that happened once or twice and that lasted just long enough to have impact on someone, and that was Mio, when your sixteen year old boy who his whole has thought that he never find love and never find anything, that person stays in your head and you stay in touch with that person and you also reminder that person who opened your eyes to something that you never thought before possible and also to the fact that you never witnessed anything like that. That person is someone you reminder and you remember it because it happened over 3 days at something you never thought would be the place that you would meet a girl and especially one like her, some say that the first person you meet is your mother but what i say is that the first person you love and they love you back has the biggest impact of all on you.

So Mio a girl that i meet a trip, a trip run by the government to make sure that kids have something on their C.V. ,You don’t expect to meet someone like Mio and this is i meet Mio and how i feel in love with a memory and how that memory may have shaped my life forever but of course all stories have their ending and i gonna let you in a secret so read like no tomorrow. I don’t know the end of this tale yet so have the story and then at the end of story you might know the tales end.

Chapter 1: First Day, Group meeting.

So the first time i ever went to this government course you have to go thru a type of trip guide and know what you have to bring. And of course there has to be place that it is. So my mum and i go in and see the place it’s a cricket pitch and cricket club so we arrive around about five. We stop the car at the top of the road and we go down to the club the first thing i see when going into the place is all the faces that i will be not getting know at all. The cricket club building is an a new made building but looks like a rectangle if looked from above, you can also see that it few windows at the top on walls as we walk around we have to sign in to show that we are here at the meeting. So i sign my name Max Everett, i sign my name weirdly but oh well when we go in we see a bunch people already there and we sit in the corner where some luxury chairs instead of the deck chairs that everyone is on and we look around the room, we get handed piece of paper about what times we need to be there and what kit we need to bring the inside is made of brown wood with what looks like closed bar with bar stools on outside and toilet right next to it in middle of room is all the other kids and all the other parents with their kids. So the guy in charge of this trip is called jack but we can call him jackie he says, he quite an old man about 50 years old or 40 with a grey beard and hair slicked back and a lumberjack kind of vide but with a beer gut that not so large but is just smaller than a normal beer gut and he light hearted spirited man. And looking around the room i see lods of different people and some stand out geeks and chavs and sports people and i look around to see two people from my school one who know for being a the most un-socially awkward person in our year called Allison and she is a tomboy whose is from african heritage and is knows nearly everyone she meets to a tee and another kid who doesn’t Matter to story but is called luke. So Jack or Jackie tells us about the trip and about what we need on the trip. So after about a good 25 minutes  of him explaining what is going on and how it's gonna happen. He tell us the teens are gonna go outside and do some activities and the parents can use that time to ask questions about the trip. So we go outside and immediately i talk allison.

“What you doing here” she says to me with a look of puzzled.

“What do mean me, why you here and did you see luke he was the last person i thought would do this.” i say as shocked as she is to see me and luke.

“Well i thought booning this would be fun and this would be a nice thing on the C.V”  now us talking was just talking about school and to be honest i don’t really remember this part but what i do know is that the first time i think i really saw Mio was when she was just a glimpse at everyone else in are group of people at the meeting but we will talk about when i meet her properly soon. But first we got put into groups which just split us apart and the only reason why i never spoken to her Mio until we got on the trip was the fact of this splitting of the group, maybe it was a sign, maybe it was something telling something really good/bad was about to happen to me. But oh well so we got split into groups where we then had to talk to people about who we were and who we were ourselves. So that happened and we just headed back inside where i tried to find my mother and found her straight away. Now allison had come alone for reasons that i never heard and my mum offered a lift home so she came with us and we discussed the trip and school and many other things. So ended the first day or shall i say two hour session.

Chapter 2: Second day: without the parents.

So it was the same thing again but this time without the parents and without all of knowledge instead this was used as way to talk to each other about what was going to happen on the trip and people we going to be dooning it with. And on these part of trip was the only time i didn't see Mio. To be honest though i had no idea what was about to happen on this trip and what was about to happen to me because of these trip little bid i know that the clocks were ticking and tocking time had set everything in motion. So we bid groups exercise where we all sat around and talked to each other about and this time allison and i were not in the same group and in the other group i didn't know what to do, so i asked a friend and he told me just to talk to them and then i bid and meet a guy called lewis and he was not the wisest person but he understood things that others didn’t so i had made a friend and we bid the activities and this time the same happened i left with allison and left talked about what happened. But something i remember was a rule’s list that had been made by all of us that we had signed and to me it looked alright but little bid i know that nearly every rule including the have fun rule would be broken by some people at the end of it. So we all signed i left my weird signature.

Now when looking back at this day a lot didn’t happen and to be honest i can’t remember much about this day or some more days to come. But let's not talk about that let's talk about the fact that the stories just beginning and you are wondering what any of this means what all of this i am telling you means because at the end of it i myself well have no idea what it all meant but one thing was for certain i would come out of this thinking a lot different to what i was thinking before and now it's happened i am thinking differently and i like it. So why the pause why not continue the story, why not tell the whole love angle because there are things that you need to know before we go any further and that's everything. So let's start of by talking about me, to be honest there not a lot tell expect the fact that when looking at it now i don’t think i am what i am say i am anymore and thats bisexaul. Also i just found out that a girl that i had liked thru the whole of school time,  disliked me. So yer that hurt and also the fact that everything i had been dooning was a waste of time my love for everything to do with video games was just something i used to suppress my real feelings. And that i am really big lier and hate the fact that i do it but i do it so that i can make other people happy and this is something i live by. What else to do you need to know ahh yes the reason why i went on the trip and why everything that happened on this trip was the weirdest thing that ever happened to me. I went on this trip so that i could get away, so that i could be away from home and not be at home like normal and experience different things. So yer the story of why i want to go to get away and further i go the better and less people i know the better and it's the reason for most of my decision.

Chapter 3: The day of the trip.

So when setting on for these trip i had everything packed and i was ready to go. I managed to nick one of my dad's rucksacks so i put all of my clothes in that. So then we went off on the trip, we first stop of was to pick up allison and we went straight to the trip.

© 2016 Hagkey

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Added on July 2, 2016
Last Updated on July 2, 2016
Tags: relationship, teens, thought provoking



Welwyn Garben City, United Kingdom, United Kingdom

i am a writer who just writing for writing and i don't like it or want to do it but i want to show my stories and i am s**t at spelling and art so write a story and i have been told there good. more..