O, sweet gentle kiss

O, sweet gentle kiss

A Poem by Hidden_identity

My lips have not yet touched another's

they are still so pure and tender

As red as a spring rose

and as the same sweet fragrance

I softly whisper through these lips

of my passionate love for thee

I mutter these words

that belong to my heart

My lips have not yet touched another's

it is a gift I give to you

I give you the power

to take this purity away

And with the slightest touch

we seal a sacred vow

One that burns

like hot embers from a roaring fire

A vow,

that can never be broken or damaged

You are the one,

I'm sure,

that I can entrust my love to

The one that will caress it like a newborn infant

and care for it like a sprouting flower bud

O, sweet gentle kiss

how you take my breath away

© 2011 Hidden_identity

My Review

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Oh, the first love, oh the first kiss. Yes, it's beautiful and pure and it has been empowered beyond belief by our beliefs and our society's beliefs. In this poem, I think that you capture that belief wonderfully. It makes me shiver and smile to think of my first kiss and the 'purity' that lay within myself. It also makes love seem incredibly beautiful, because it's so powerful and pure.

A very lovely poem.

Posted 12 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on October 31, 2011
Last Updated on October 31, 2011



Neverland, SC

I am an aspiring writer. I am currently writing about five stories right now. I would really be grateful to hear what other people have to say about them other than my family. I am a very private pers.. more..
