

A Poem by Hope Wilson

this is basically my out look on humanity and how selfish the world is if you look at it for what it really is


humanity so selfish and lame,

sit idolly back as others take the blame.

we cower at those who think their the best,

but never try putting them to the test.


we work for those to do what should be done,

we work to keep our lives smoothly run.

we give to only our familys hand,

why care for a man with no land?


we only care about gaining more,

never give a thought to the poor.

we spend every sent we have,

not once thinking of the pricetag.


civilized is the word we use to indocate humanity,

but did you ever think of who wrote that insanity?

we never once think of the homes we destroy,

no one gives a thought to the animals we deploy.


one part of the world living like kings,

the other wanting death because of the pain each day brings.

but do we spare one thought of kindness?

no, we're to obsessed with miterial things that blind us.


humanity humanity will we ever change?

chances are we'll always be this  way.

stupid is as stupid does,

and that stupid only is us.

© 2010 Hope Wilson

Author's Note

Hope Wilson
ignore grammar problems and spelling please

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this was really well done, Hope. u really put yourself out there writing this and I luv it keep it up. u have real talent.

Posted 14 Years Ago

Your confessions are profoundly moving, revealing the huge gap in humanity's armor... Yet your last lines ask a question, and perhaps if others ask the question as well we might just have a chance to come alive. Great write!

Posted 14 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on March 25, 2010
Last Updated on March 25, 2010


Hope Wilson
Hope Wilson


my name is really Destani . hope wilson is a combo of my middle name and my moms maden name i dont know why i did that but oh well i am very random .im outgoing and shy at the same time it really depe.. more..
