

A Poem by HorrorMaster

A poor homeless men in a winter trying to survive the cold.


I’m all alone, walking in a snow.

I have no food and hot chocolate.

I have no fire to keep myself warm,

I'm very tired from this freeze.

I started to sneeze very loudly,

This winter had gotten me very sick.

 I needed get out of this cold.

I had been out here since I was 20 years old, now I’m only 50.

Nobody here to help me,

I ask for help, they kept on ignoring me.

Every winter I tried to survive this cold.

I told them I was dying from this winter.

They still kept on ignoring me.

I started crying,

It feels like my heart slowly dying.

I lay on the snow with my eyes closed,

Dreaming of my life on the way I used to have.

I started to freeze to death on this day.

© 2010 HorrorMaster

Author's Note

I think every winter or summer, some one should help out some homeless people. Even though I been attack by a homeless guy once at work, but some of them are friendly that needed more help then everyone.

Theme song for this poem

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Very good capture of this plague and blight on our society. We cast them aside and leave them to their own devices. Well said.

Posted 13 Years Ago

cool poem

Posted 13 Years Ago


Posted 13 Years Ago

Good thing we live in Miami. That's probably why there are so many homeless people here... LOL Winter is easier on them.

Posted 13 Years Ago

Yes I was hurt and the cops sent him to a mental house for it.

Posted 14 Years Ago

Oh my God !!!!!!! were u really attacked by a homeless guy?
i hope he did not hurt u ????? this poem is chillingly beautifull and makes one think of the homeless indeed, in short u are a magician with words.

Posted 14 Years Ago

My band friends did help out one guy and now he is part of there family. This was a great tribute poem to show what can happen to some when nobody cares to lend a helping hand. Very well written too!

Posted 14 Years Ago

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Your right homeless people are still people. Love the point your trying to get across:D Its sad but every body needs help once in a while. Good write horror:D

Posted 14 Years Ago

This is very deeply sad. I can just feel the pain and hurt of his being abandoned and no one caring.

Posted 14 Years Ago

wow you are right...this begs for justice.....
thanks for remnding us,


Posted 14 Years Ago

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25 Reviews
Added on June 15, 2010
Last Updated on June 15, 2010
Tags: Homeless, poem, cold, winter, snow, death, survival



Tamarac, FL

Hello i'm Ira and i'm pretty much a horror writer. I have bad grammar and spelling or typos errors, but I tried my best, so please enjoy them. Also I don't like harsh grammar nazi saying (oh yo.. more..


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