jazz on a rainy day

jazz on a rainy day

A Poem by Relic

Sitting outside the cafe      
the Autumn air felt warm.   
Tiny circles formed and disappeared
in clear puddles from the light rain.    
Jazz played on speakers outside 
at the cafe's table area.   
I thought of Kerouac          
of Ginsburg.          
Then Chet baker came on  
singing slowly  -        
my funny valentine.        
I couldn't help but wonder           
if by chance the words were written          
on a soothing rainy day          
like this one.          
I took it all in          
knowing some painter out there,        
searching for that perfect scene,      
is missing out.

© 2024 Relic

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I'll take a cup of coffee by the window, and watch the rain, delighting in your company...and poetry!

Posted 4 Months Ago


3 Months Ago

Thank you, Kelly.
I have spent many an hour simple watching the rain transform the ground with the reflection of light. It’s like a different universe. There is beauty in natures reflections. It makes the mind wonder and gives magical inspiration like this piece.

Wonderfully done. Here I thought I was the only one who loved looking at the reflections of lights on the damp ground creating beauty

Posted 5 Months Ago


5 Months Ago

You're not the only one, PB. Thank you for the comment. :)
Poetic Beauty

5 Months Ago

I love to look at details in nature and many things like paintings and so on. I’m a detailed orien.. read more
Yes Relic. We are all waiting and wanting that next scene to come along, where there it was all along, right below that coffee scented nose of ours.
We should keep our eyes peeled at all times, because just when we start to moan that nothing ever happens, we should do a 360 before saying it, because it's probably happening behind our backs as we speak! ☺

Posted 5 Months Ago


5 Months Ago

You could be right, Lorry. Thanks for the comment. :)
The title pulled me in your words had me order a drink and pull up a chair.

Posted 5 Months Ago


5 Months Ago

Ha, and your more than welcome to join me, Cherrie. Thanks. :)
Liked the puddle metaphor very much. Such scenes are waiting for our appreciation continually in the unnoticed and ignored.

Posted 6 Months Ago


6 Months Ago

Thank you, John. :)
That sounds like a tranquil moment Relic - peaceful, settled, and a little sad.

I think some of the best art has come from those conditions - tranquil, quiet, and if but just a little heartbroken. I think its' a feeling that a lot of us can share in having experienced. I definitely can.

Thanks for sharing Relic, I read often, and both the beat and jazz allusions are right up my alley.

- Ook

As an aside, and if collaborating on something feels as though it'd be a good use of your time, I have this piece from a week back that remains half finished and I can't seem to find the juice to wrap it up. I'll drop it below here (I'm picturing a kid dumping out his lego blocks) but if you feel like adding another half to it, before or after my verse, I'd definitely welcome the help.

The music I had for it is called La Danse by Berlioz


Obviously, no pressure, but if you could turn a half-finished project into a complete one, I mean f**k, you'd be doing me a favor.

Cheers man, well wishes

Posted 6 Months Ago


6 Months Ago

Thank you for your comment. It's much appreciated. :)

6 Months Ago

All good, hang on to it maybe? If the mood strikes it's there.


.. read more

6 Months Ago

Will do. :)

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6 Reviews
Added on January 24, 2024
Last Updated on March 31, 2024



I've been here since 2009. - Tim - Thanks for reading and any reviews. more..

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