First Day At Mallory Ffordes

First Day At Mallory Ffordes

A Story by HoWiE

Angela's first day at her new job yields more than a few surprises...

     Angela Smart stared at herself for a long time in the polished marble fascia of the building and smoothed her hands down her Jane Norman skirt. She brushed away an imaginary fleck from her lapel and patted down an errant wisp of ash blonde hair. Stepping backward she adjusted her skirt so that it sat slightly higher and bit down thoughtfully on her lower lip.
     Above the knee � Below the knee � Above the knee? It�s a fine line between Librarian and Dominatrix�
     She noticed then the Security guard staring at her through the smoky glass and decided to halt her preening. Pressing her rimless Calvin Klein�s back up onto the bridge of her nose, she gave a light pat to her French plait with the palm of her hand and pushed through the doorway into the foyer of Petrov & Dallimer Publishing Co. Her heels clicked out a corresponding cadence to her pulse as she walked across the marbled floors.
     Wiggle � Don�t wiggle � Wiggle� Oh dear God, what am I thinking? Strut - baby strut!
     In an instant she was across the foyer and at the desk. The Security Guard was staring into her eyes in an ever so slightly too keen a fashion as he attempted to draw in his paunch. Angela had seen this look from men before and inwardly gave a sigh.
     Okay, any second now, when he thinks I�m not looking he�ll stare at my breasts.
     Angela unclipped her clutch bag and fished for her letter, her eyes flickered down into its shadowy depths for just a second before returning to the man�s pasty jowls. �Hello, I�m Angela Smart. I have-�
     The man�s eyes sprung back into place and he blinked mechanically as if they were having problems settling back into their sockets. He presented her with a tight smile and raised his eyebrows.
     �I have an appointment with Mallory Fforde. Ten AM.� She said in clipped tones.
     �Mallory Ff-riiiight� Seventh floor! The� er� whassit�umm, reception is right in front of the lift as you come out� He stared down at his pen lid and pretended to scrape an imaginary speck away with his thumbnail.
     Angela cleared her throat politely.
     �Oh right, the err� lift�s over there,� he mumbled and jerked his thumb over to the left. �Cheers mate.�
     �Thank you... mate.� She said staring him square in the eye.
     Angela stood staring at her fuzzy outline in the burnished aluminium lift doors and readjusted the hem line of her pinstripe skirt. Her heart was thumping against her ribs and she toyed idly with the clasp of her earring.
     The doors slid open and Angela started, almost dropping her bag. A No.7 Barely Plum lipstick spiralled from her fingers.
     Angela�s head snapped up to see a man standing in the lift, nude, save for a white sport�s towel wrapped about his waist.
     Oh you�ve got to be kidding!
     The man blazed her a toothy grin. �Thing�s you don�t expect to find in a lift.�
     �Er� ya.� She mumbled feeling the familiar flush and prickle of embarrassment coursing up her neck as she bent and snatched up the lipstick. The man stepped aside and swept a hand to his right gesturing for her to enter, his other hand, she noted, kept a firm hold of the knotted towel at his midriff.
     Inexplicably Angela found herself stepping forward and into the lift.
     What? What are you doing? Don�t go in! Dear God, he has ab�s to die for!
     Angela half turned away from the man and searched feverishly for the button on the lift panel, jabbing at it awkwardly with an expertly manicured finger.
     It took an age for the doors to slide shut and Angela dabbed self-consciously at her top lip.
     He smells great too.
     The elevator music thankfully filled the space between them, some dreadful Synthpop version of a Barry White song.
     �First day?� he grinned.
     �Ya�� She stared up at the wan light of the overhead panel and blinked.
     �The shower is broken on my floor so I have to use the basement, where the gym is.� The man said conversationally, feeling the need clearly to explain away his circumstances.
     �Okay.� She nodded.
     Hurry up� hurry up...
     �So�� The man persevered, flashing her with his eyes.
     Deep, chestnut eyes with tawny flecks. Stop it!
     �Seventh floor huh?�
     Angela sighed. �Yes� Mallory Fforde.�
     �Good-O! Look�s like we�ll be working together then,� he grinned.
     Startled she turned and cast her narrowing eyes over him. �Really?�
     The man gave a light a laugh and smiled again. �For a moment, I didn�t think you were either�� He extended a finely manicured hand.
     Angela laughed too, all anxiety draining from her. �Oh thank God.� She took his hand in greeting. �I really would never have guessed�� Angela closed her eyes and shook the thoughts from her head. When she opened her eyes again, he was smiling.
     �I�m sorry�� She laughed again and shook his hand. �I�m the new girl, I�m Angela Smart.�
     �I�m Mallory Fforde, welcome...�
     The doors slid open again and they both stepped gracefully into the reception of Mallory Fforde�s Tranvestite Escort Agency.
     I think I�m going to quite like it here.

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Music courtesy of Bananarama.

© 2008 HoWiE

Author's Note

This was written as an experimental piece for a writing course I was taking; the premise was 'to get inside a girl's head' - following a rather ugly scene and subsequent restraining order, I decided just to write it instead...

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Haha... you're me with a penis!lmao. *JOKE* Very funny, lovely conversational piece. I had wondered if the security guard hadn't liked the look of her b***s but dismissed it in my mind because I wanted to read on. Experimental? It's Fab. Keep experimenting :)

Oh btw...

'Wiggle � Don�t wiggle � Wiggle� Oh dear God, what am I thinking?'

Strut baby ... strut.

Posted 17 Years Ago

4 of 4 people found this review constructive.


Well written. I love the twist at the end.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

HA! Great twist at the end! Did not expect that at all...and I loved the fact that Mr. Fforde was practically naked and showering at work...and didn't bother to bring his clothes with him to the shower.

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Hey, loved the ending! I thought she was working in an office for sure. You captured the thoughts of the female character as if you were a girl yourself-
Above the knee � Below the knee � Above the knee? It�s a fine line between Librarian and Dominatrix�
Very nice. You set up my assumptions then cut them down at the end. You kept the same light tone throughout. well done :)

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

That one got me... very funny... It had an ending I didn't expect...but that is what you are getting known for is the weird and more weird....LOL....only know that..I love your writing you always leave me wanting more...


Posted 17 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

You have some great skill my friend, this one had an ending that I should have picked up on, but failed to. BRAVO!!!

Posted 17 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

Wow! I did not see that coming!!!
I loved the security guard, the confusion!! had to read it a couple times to make sure i picked up on the clues...i dont want to get fooled!!!

Posted 17 Years Ago

4 of 4 people found this review constructive.

Haha... you're me with a penis!lmao. *JOKE* Very funny, lovely conversational piece. I had wondered if the security guard hadn't liked the look of her b***s but dismissed it in my mind because I wanted to read on. Experimental? It's Fab. Keep experimenting :)

Oh btw...

'Wiggle � Don�t wiggle � Wiggle� Oh dear God, what am I thinking?'

Strut baby ... strut.

Posted 17 Years Ago

4 of 4 people found this review constructive.

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7 Reviews
Added on April 9, 2008



Plymouth,, Devon, United Kingdom

Well, I'm back - it only took 8 years to get over my writer's block! Now 47, older, wiser and, for some reason, now a teacher having left the Armed Forces in 2012. The writing is slow going but .. more..

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A Story by HoWiE