No Sound Without Silence

No Sound Without Silence

A Poem by Inject Positivity

There is a voice deeply engraved
Within us,
A voice that breathes along life
And touches the core of creation
It never shouts through speakers
It never speaks up with words
It only shows it's presence
Through the heartbeat of this universe
And through the silent smile of a heart
It shows its presence in the smoky mountains
Where life meets the highest peak of silence
It reminds us of the reality and beauty
The utmost truth of life and it's creativity
That there is no existence of sound
Without the silent presence of silence...

© 2017 Inject Positivity

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Well written, deep poem. Nice work

Posted 9 Months Ago

Since you do not lay claim to a name, I shall simply refer to you he who is him,

In anonymity you exist, in nameless-ness you wrest, in slight of hand genius, you jest, in all out indifference to those who might just wish to get to know you, you arrest, hold hostage and prisoner, those who just might get close to you ... And glean a tid of a tad of a glimmer's gleam of your all too obvious well of wisdom ... Dost thou fear the waters of wise men as guys shall run out? ... I do doubt such a resulting conclusion of total confusion ... Now, that I got that bit of irritation's sensation out of my mystical system, might I add:

I found myself gifted as clad within the majestic words of you Poem so well said, so well expressed and duly written ...

For I am, really, an amiable fellow, who just likes to mess with the heads of those whom I do recognize as a step on the ladder's rung of IQ and wisdom's above me ... And as such said and shared respectfully and in admiration ... Well done!

Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn de Graham

Posted 9 Months Ago

Hello old friend! I love reading this poem and it allowed me to take a step back and breathe in the silence. Great poem! Hope all is well.

Posted 3 Years Ago

Is said that in silence one hears life hum to its heart's content.

Your words, ' And through the silent smile of a heart - It shows its presence in the smoky mountains -
Where life meets the highest peak of silence .. ' could and should never be diluted or misunderstood. We. can turn off noise but.. can't turn on silence. Tis there or not.

Posted 4 Years Ago

Isn't this lovely. The inner reality of our beings which does not need man made things to proove it's worth or definition?

Posted 5 Years Ago

I love this! the idea of sound being silence is awesome!

Posted 5 Years Ago

I love the flow on this poem!

Posted 5 Years Ago

This is just GORGEOUS!
At first I was a bit worried it didn't quite flow and was just a collection of thoughts but the half rhyme between words and universe really brings it together and startles the reader, also love the rep. of silence at the end to tie all your ideas together. Great job!

Posted 6 Years Ago

Really beautifully expressed. Nice lilting profundity in simple words. Glad I came across this.

Posted 6 Years Ago

Amen you did it again Dhiman!!!


#Masterpiece here brother ... ;)

shelving this one ...

Posted 7 Years Ago

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18 Reviews
Shelved in 2 Libraries
Added on April 6, 2017
Last Updated on April 6, 2017


Inject Positivity
Inject Positivity

WB , India

Poet, naturalist, optimist. "Everyday is a blessing and an opportunity. Be grateful and keep moving ahead." "Life, well it stands between two different worlds, one that wants to keep it here a.. more..


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