Adventures of Drock: Episode 1

Adventures of Drock: Episode 1

A Story by Iflybyyou

Episode 1 of a series I am working on.

There I was, standing magnificently above the waters. All were begging for mercy after being devastated by my might. Laughing, I asked, "Who dares to challenge me for the throne of the galaxy" A giant the size of a large skyscraper answered with a booming voice, "I WILL!" His voice was strong enough to move by a couple inches, but he was not nearly powerful enough to resist me as I flung my body into his belly, sending him flying into the mountains of the Earth and devastating the land. I asked once again, "who dares to challenge me for the throne of the galaxy" Even the Mydians, who were known for being savage berserkers were trembling in their boots. I let out a thunderous laugh as I walked into the Capitol building and sat on the throne of the Earth. Everything looked so small to me and my conquering might. After several minutes of receiving many gifts from my inferiors, I gazed upon a blonde and beautiful woman who looked like a Goddess as she walked towards my throne. She then bowed to me and asked ,"Can I be your Queen?" Smiling I said, "Just shut up and kiss me" She smiled back, and as I leaned in to make out with her, I heard a booming voice coming from the distance. Dismissing it, I continued the pleasurable deed, but as I was kissing her, I heard it again. This time it was closer, but not yet readable. I told her to wait for me and went to check out the voice, and then I heard a loud thundering "WAKKKEEE UPPPP!!" I felt the world collapsing around me. Everything was ceasing to exist. I rushed into the throne room to see if Blondie was okay, and I saw her vanish before my eyes. I fell to my knees, crying out in agony at all the power and might I was losing, and then I felt my body beginning to vanish. "NOOOOOOOOO!!" I screamed, as the settings changed to my big brother Jess waking me up. It was all a dream. The awesomeness, the power, the Blonde beauty. All of it was a dream. "Are you okay?" Jess asked with a not so surprised tone? I sighed and nodded, thinking about how bland and tasteless reality is compared to my dreams. Jess, knowing about my flighty nature, looked me in the eye and softly said, "Drock, you need to come back to the real world. You have a family that loves you, you live on a planet rich with fertility, and you even have Beth chasing after you all the time. You gotta settle with what you have rather than dreaming about all these wild adventures. Promise me you'll consider marrying Beth and working the family farm." Rolling my eyes, I replied, "so you want me to give up my dream to play with Dropa poop and marry a girl I don't even like?" Jess punched me in the arm, "shut up dude! Dropas are cute if you look at them with a positive attitude, and Beth is a kind girl. You have so much potential! You could run our farming business one day with that imaginative mind of yours. Just do this for me man." I wanted to tell him that I thought Beth was the dullest and most mentally unstimulating piece of rubbish I've met in my life and that farming was for spuds with no ambition, but all that came out was, "I'll give it a try" I didn't think it was worth it to have Jess give me anymore lectures on being 'practical'. Jess smiled, patted me on the back, and left the room. I managed to slug myself out of bed despite the boredom I was in for. I wanted to gouge my eyes out as I performed my daily routine of having breakfast, feeding those fatass Dropas, and working the fields. Beth spent the entire lunch hour talking about how cute her little brother was today and I wanted to blow chunks on the ground. At the end of the day, my mind was just about to wander off like it always does when I found a spaceship about to land somewhere off in the distance. Scratching my head, I was puzzled at why a spaceship was landing on Thurne, a planet mainly known for farming and dullness. It would have been plausible if the ship was a trade ship, but that was no trade ship. Knowing my family wouldn't let me check it out unless I got rid of them, I told them that I would finish the crops. Jess was ecstatic, patting me on the back and hugging me for making the "right" decision, which made me feel a bit guilty. I wasn't about to let a little guilt keep me from what could possibly be the greatest adventure of all time, so I rushed through the remainder of the work and headed toward the ship.

© 2017 Iflybyyou

Author's Note

I don't like to be nitpicked, just give me a general opinion or suggestion that I can add in future episodes.

My Review

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It's really interesting and has a great flow. My one suggestion would probably be to give a little more background on the protagonist and his brother. But I really like it! I can already tell it's a good story!

Posted 7 Years Ago

I like it definitely has a good story line and definitely intrigued me. :) I liked it

Posted 7 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on January 10, 2017
Last Updated on January 10, 2017



Watertown, NY

after over a year of long and hard reflection, and a prompting from my best friend who recently joined, I am revisiting my writing once again. It's good to be back. I don't have any particular goals f.. more..

Inner rage Inner rage

A Poem by Iflybyyou