Adventures of Drock: Episode 2

Adventures of Drock: Episode 2

A Story by Iflybyyou

I was finally free! For the first time in my life, I felt a rush like no other and I couldn't help but smile as a cute redhead in an blaster proof vest was rushing toward me. I couldn't help but admire her as she leap closer and closer. WAIT, CUTE REDHEAD RUSHING TOWARDS ME? I thought as the girl finally leaped into me, pushing me to the ground and nailing me in the jaw several times before putting some kind of restraining device on me and dragging me into the ship that landed by my family's farm. I heard her utter something misunderstandable to her friends and then asked me in an accent, "Why have you walked toward our ship?" I was at lost for words, as all I could focus on were her intense green eyes. I managed, "I just wanted to check out who's ship it was" just to get a smack in the jaw. Squeezing my chin tightly, she said, "let me answer your question boy, we are Randorians looking for some quick profit, and you might just be handsome enough to be sold as one of our slaves" They all let out a sneering laugh. Knowing I could use this to my advantage, I had to think fast to let them to let me go. "Y'know, instead of selling me, why don't I just be your slave? I can earn you more profit than you'll earn selling me" Moving her hand from my chin to my throat, she said, "and what could you possibly have to offer me?" I had tons of talents, so this should be easy. "I am very intelligent, I was tested in the 99th percentile on a brain scan, and I'm stron-" She stopped me her hand to my mouth, saying, "We'll let the scanners decide that, otherwise your word is as good as nothing and you're nothing more than a nice, shiny looking tool" They hooked me up to their scanners, all jaws dropped when they saw the results. "His convergent intelligence level ranks higher than 98.69 percent of the Randorian population and 98.99 for Divergent Intelligence. He doesn't belong in this chair, he belongs on the Randorian council in an intermediate position" Looking slightly annoyed, the Redhead sighed and pressed a button on the chair, letting me go. "you're worth far too much to sell in the slave trade, we would have better luck putting your talents to use. I'm sure there's a ton of wealthy planeteers that would pay a much higher price to have you released from our custody. I would put you back in that chair, but you're lucky, Randorian culture tells us to demean the incompetent and treat the talented with dignity, so despite being our hostage, you will be treated most pleasantly." I couldn't believe I actually managed to pull this off. All I had to do was prove I wasn't a dummy and then I get treated like a prince. I will probably have to do some trivial favor for the guys who released me, but that's a small price to pay for having Randorians give me massages and feed me random delicacies. Then I could go back to my family and tell them about my wild adventures on another planet, and maybe convince them to let me use my inheritance to buy a decent ship so I can continue this kind of lifestyle. But then I thought of the possibility of a ruthless culture winning the auction, like a culture that ridicules the intellectually gifted or is Sadistic or another slave planet that will put me right back where I started? All I can hope for is to end up somewhere I can get a ship for a low price and go home. My family is probably worried about me. Only time will tell what kind of utopia or hell I'll end up in.

© 2017 Iflybyyou

Author's Note

Give me suggestions for what you want to see in future episodes.

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Featured Review

I haven't finished reading all of these yet, but they're pretty good. You've created a pretty detailed world, and you've got a good flow going.
Suggestion for formatting: it'd be nice if you could space it out, makes it easier to read.
I'll see if I can give you suggestions for future episodes after I finish reading the rest!

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


I haven't finished reading all of these yet, but they're pretty good. You've created a pretty detailed world, and you've got a good flow going.
Suggestion for formatting: it'd be nice if you could space it out, makes it easier to read.
I'll see if I can give you suggestions for future episodes after I finish reading the rest!

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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1 Review
Added on January 10, 2017
Last Updated on January 10, 2017



Watertown, NY

after over a year of long and hard reflection, and a prompting from my best friend who recently joined, I am revisiting my writing once again. It's good to be back. I don't have any particular goals f.. more..

Inner rage Inner rage

A Poem by Iflybyyou