Adventures of Drock: Episode 4

Adventures of Drock: Episode 4

A Story by Iflybyyou

Jess was devasted. "How could you do this to me Drock? You promised me you'd give life at home a chance!" Tears streaked down his eyes as Beth walked in the room, looking ashamed of herself and hurt. "All I wanted was for you to give me a chance, that's why I continued to pursue you even though you hated me." Beth bursted into tears as Jess gave her a hug. "I never hated any of you, I'm just not cut out for this kind of life", I said, with sincerity in my heart. Beth looked at me, the pain in her baby blue eyes showing more than I've ever seen in her optimistic soul. "I don't know you anymore", she sobbed, a tear trickling down her cheek. She ran back in her house, slamming the front door. Jess looked at me, his sadness turning to anger. "How could you do this to such a sweet girl? How could you do this to your family?" Now I was starting to cry. "I only wanted what's best for all of us, my talents don't lie on the farm, they lie in adventure and new ideas. They lie in me changing the universe." My parents looked at me, saddened and guilty. "Come back to us", they said "We want you here, we'll miss you so much" I looked them in their weary eyes and said, "I'm sorry, I just can't do that" Jess glared at me one last time and said, "I can no longer call someone as selfish as you a brother" He put his arms on my parents to comfort them, looking at me with a condemning look one last time before leading them back into the house. I couldn't hold back anymore, I was balling. "I never wanted this", I said, dropping to my knees. "God, forgive me for any pain that I have caused them" I was going into hysterics now, my usual rational and apathetic self turning into an emotional mess, my hysteric crying then turned to sarcastic, angry laughing. "NOOOOOOOOOO!" I screamed out in rage worse than I have ever experienced, as I realized I just lost the only people who truly loved me. I starting cutting my arms with rocks and flipped over the bin that the Dropas eat out of, and let out one last tortured scream before I blacked out. I gasped, covered in sweat and tears as I woke up from the horrid nightmare that I've just experienced. I was in a room with grey walls and a bed. I must've blacked out from the beating I got from that Randorian and the Mydian she sold me to. I got up out of bed, sore from the kick to the jaw and the impact of me hitting the chair when it broke, and peeked out of the door. Quietly walking out of the room, I looked for a restroom, and washed myself up once I found one. As I snuck out of the bathroom, hoping that those blue suits wouldn't find me, I felt a presence in the room that made me jump. I turned around quickly in my fighting stance to see a brunette woman holding a blue helmet, trying to hold back a laugh. "You don't have to run and hide, you're a free man here" She said, no longer being able to hold back a laugh at my demeanor. "My name is Lydia" ,she said with a warm smile, " and I know you're going to ask where you are and who I am, so I'll tell you. I am part of a rogue group called the GFFS, otherwise known as the galactic freedom fighters for slaves. We rescued you because it is part of our sworn duty to free all slaves in the galaxy. You are at our hideout on Teko, which incase you don't know is a jungle planet in neutral space. You were found in GST, or Galactic slave trade space, which is inhabited mostly by Randorians, Gidorians, Mydians, and Kuklecs, which are a race of intelligent arachnids. Your homeplanet Thurne, is now part of the Randorian Empire, which means, your family were probably sold into slavery. If you help us, you will be helping your family, I promise you. Besides, we could use someone of your unique background in our cause. Whaddya say?" She gave me a smile, which I could tell was almost like a cry for help. Slyly smiling, I replied "Okay, but on one condition, let me help you work out what's bugging you." Her smile turned into an annoyed frown, "What the hell are you talking about? Nothing's bothering me." I knew that face wasn't the face of someone telling the truth. "It's obvious sugarpop, there's something you're not telling me that involves me." Her frown turned into a blush, she was started to get flustered. "If you shut the f**k up about this, I'll make you the co-leader of this cause." She began to grab her arm and look at the floor. "You can do that?", I asked, not being surprised. "Yeah, I'm the one who started all this, I'm the leader. I will admit there is something bothering me, I don't see how it's that obvious, but if you promise to leave me alone about this and let me deal with this on my own, I will make you a powerful icon in the revolution and give you whatever you want, just please leave me alone.", she said, tears rolling down her cheek. I couldn't help but grin at how something so unexpected could come from something so simple as to try to help. She was literally at my mercy, so I might as well use it to my advantage. "Okay let's see... I'll take that co-leader position, I want the power to veto anything you do, and I want to have the best weapons and armor that you have." I said with glee. She crossed her arms and started to sulk. "You'll get everything you want, just don't talk to me outside of the job you jerk." I noticed another tear roll down her cheek as she walked away, back turned towards me. I couldn't help but feel sorry for her. I had no idea what she was going through, yet I just treated her like a tool used to gain prestige. I then remembered how similar this was to how Beth acted in my dream, and then a tear roled down my cheek. "I'm..sorry." I managed to say right before she walked out of hearing range. She looked at me, with as much pain as Beth showed in my dream, tears flushing out of her eyes. I was shocked when she hugged me out of nowhere, not even saying a word. I looked at her with determination, and said, "Whatever you're going through, whatever this cause is for, I don't want you to hurt like this. I will fight that cause for you and the people of the galaxy, no matter what means have to be used. I'll do it for you, my family, and other people that are suffering through this slave trade. I just don't want to cause any more pain to anyone. I'll do anything you want me to, I'll even fight as a private, as long as people can live freely and happily once again. I promise you." For the first time in the past 3 minutes, Lydia's face lit up with a smile, with not as much hurt hidden behind it, but still pained. "You'll get everything you asked for, and you can talk to me." She kissed her finger and put it to my lips. I didn't care about the affection, I was just glad Lydia wasn't mad at me anymore.

© 2017 Iflybyyou

Author's Note

Any suggestions for future episodes are welcome.

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Added on January 10, 2017
Last Updated on January 10, 2017



Watertown, NY

after over a year of long and hard reflection, and a prompting from my best friend who recently joined, I am revisiting my writing once again. It's good to be back. I don't have any particular goals f.. more..

Inner rage Inner rage

A Poem by Iflybyyou