Adventures of Drock: Episode 6

Adventures of Drock: Episode 6

A Story by Iflybyyou

"ARRGGGGGGHHHH!" The Mydian screamed as his blood was extracted from his body. His rage form began to decline, although he was still raging. Lydia started to smile, "I guess we have our answer, the ability of a Mydian to rage comes from his blood" The Mydian, despite having no blood, was still alive and breathing quite healthily, since it turned out that blood is a key component to their rage form, but not their survival. The Mydian began to laugh, making all of my scientists uncomfortable. "You humans are the biggest damn fools I've ever met in my life. We knew your radio signal was aimed at attracting one of us. Mydian minds are immune to radio signals. IT WAS ALL AN ACT! and you fell for our surprise attack." Everyone looked puzzled at what he was saying, until the alarm sounded. The Mydian laughed, gesturing with his eyes towards the tracking deivice on his knee. "You fool Drock!" Lydia said as she slapped me "You just gave away the location of our base entrance and now we're screwed! SCREWED" She grabbed me and shook me, clearly panicking. I pushed her off and told her there was no time for this and that we had to evacuate. As I grabbed her hand and pulled her towards the emergency evac pods, two Mydians nbarged in the room, throwing Dante and all of our scientists into the titanium wall and causing their deaths. Men were dying left and right, there was nothing we could do. I ran towards the evac pods, dragging Lydia with me and trying to weaken the Mydia's as much as I could with my heavy blaster. I managed to weaken the first one to the point of dropping to his knees, but the second one slammed his backhand into us sending us flying across the hall. Lydia now had blood drizzling down the corner of her mouth, and I think my shoulder was shattered, but I wasn't going to let her die. I inched towards the evac pods, which were now feet away with my only good arm, repeating the motion and inching myself forward and pulling her with me. The Mydian jumped right in our way. The Mydian let out a cackle, "Just because we are angry, doesn't mean we can't think about what we are doing. My friend and I think it would be fun to play around a little." The other Mydian, now recovered from the blasts I fired at him smiled a devious grin. "You can have your evac pods, but you won't last very long." The Mydian put what looked like a bodily retractor, which sucks out a being's body heat, slowly and painfully killing them on us. The Mydians threw us in the pods, and set them off to the nearby desert planet, which has no known inhabitants and no reliable source of food. "D-Drock", Lydia managed, clearly in pain from the retractor. "What?" I managed. I was also in a lot of pain. "I...must tell you what was bothering me. I might as well since we're going to die anyways" I put my ear to her mouth so that I could hear her voice, as it was getting weaker. "You.. are the chosen one. The prophecy says it. I was the one who saved you from the slavers on Randaria. I felt- I felt." I told her to stay with me, giving her a light shake. I needed to hear this before I died. "I always felt as if... we were made for each other, and it sounds selfish, but I was in love with you since the elders on my planet spoke of you. I knew that you would never understand. That may come off as arrogant.. believing myself to be the future lover of the man who will save the galaxy, but...I-I-ugh" She went limp in my arms. I wasn't sure whether to be flattered at the idea of my dream on Thurne coming true, or to be creeped out at a girl who loved me before she even met me, all I know is that I didn't have time to think. Life was leaving me. The last thing I remember before I blacked out, was Lydia's hand grabbing mine.

© 2017 Iflybyyou

Author's Note

I will be accepting suggestions for future Episodes. Tell me what you think, and I'll do my best to make the series more interesting as it goes along.

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Added on January 11, 2017
Last Updated on January 11, 2017



Watertown, NY

after over a year of long and hard reflection, and a prompting from my best friend who recently joined, I am revisiting my writing once again. It's good to be back. I don't have any particular goals f.. more..

Inner rage Inner rage

A Poem by Iflybyyou