Adventures of Drock: Episode 7

Adventures of Drock: Episode 7

A Story by Iflybyyou

I woke up in a weird cave like structure. My consciousness was just beginning to regain. I thought of all the blurry, pretty colors dancing around in y mind and watched as they started to become clearer. "Ahh everything is so peaceful" I thought, still not aware of my total existence. I then started to think of a girl who was small in stature, brunette, and had greenish gray eyes like a kitten. "She seems familiar" I chuckled, feeling high as f**k. Emotions of worry and fear began to come over me, as if I were actually attached to this woman. "Why do I feel this way?" Confused at the unexplainable emotions clouding my state of piece. Then it hit me. "LYDIA!" I called out for her springing off of the thick cloth I was sleeping on and darted my eyes around. My shoulder felt surprisingly better compared to how it felt on the evac pod. A group of people dressed in varied designs of purple and blue entered the cave. "She's alright" The woman in front said, "She is almost fully recovered." I looked at her confused and still dizzy, "Who are you?" I asked. The woman calmly looked at me, with a familiar look, as if I knew her from somewhere and said, "I am Lydia's mother, and a great friend of yours. You were born  on this planet. You are the chosen one, the one who freed the captive." I looked at her in awe, not knowing how to respond, but then a flash came to my mind. I was 2 years old, and a test was being performed on the older kids. They were given a drug that emotionally simulates an experience where a man who killed their mother was put in a cage and at their mercy, and they had a choice between killing him and setting him free. In the vision, they would plead for forgiveness, and each kid was charged with intense emotion that they were supposed to control. I somehow got my hands on the drug, and went into the test. I was only a small child, and hate can easily consume someone that young, but the vision, I saw no point in avenging my mother and let the guy go. When I woke up, people looked at me in awe, as if I was some sort of superhuman. I heard them say something about the chosen one and how I was the only one merciful and strong enough to free the captive. The woman who I just met came up to me and blessed me in the name of God. And then I was taken from my parents and sent to the planet Thurne, where I was to be raised safely and where danger would never find me. No one could know who the chosen one was. My mind came back to the present moment, and I was dumbfounded at what I just recalled. I never knew this my entire life. Lydia then came in, dressed in a beautiful and very well designed tribal outfit. She hugged me, saying she was glad I was alright. I was still a little bit overwhelmed about the fact that Lydia loved me for so long, so I stepped back from her hug and gave her a weak smile. Lydia frowned, turning to the woman, whose name was Tuka. "Should we give him back his memory of you?" Tuka asked? I was about to fall on the floor from the amount of information being dumped on me. It was exciting, and weird as hell at the same time. Lydia begged her in tears not to do it, saying something about how it would take away all her hope. Tuka ignored her, saying it was the right thing to do. Lydia looked like her heart just about shattered, dropping to the ground and fainting under the pressure. Tuka touched my head and sent me into a state where my life flashed before me. Lydia was my best friend until I was 15. We hung out together, made memories together, and pledged our hearts to each other. She lived on Thurne with me, but she didn't come to Thurne until she was 8, so she had a recollection of her roots that I didn't. There was this kid named Jona who would always bully me, once even stabbing me and leaving me for dead, always saying that I was worthless, and he always got away with it because he had high status on Thurne. My family couldn't even do anything about it. One day I caught Lydia and Jona making out, and when I saw that, my heart was broken. I was no longer the same that I was before. I was a problem child, getting myself into trouble, taking it out on my family, and it got to the point that Tuka had to visit our planet and wipe the memory of everyone I knew, including me. Lyida's memory was never erased, and she went with Tuka back to our homeplanet, Lokio. As I regained my full identity, Tuka looked at me calmly and said, "Lydia never meant to hurt you. She was just as hurt as you were that day." I still had feelings for her, but they were so mixed. On one hand, I loved her dearly, but on the other hand, I wanted her to pay for what she did. I knew it was years ago that this happened, so it is no longer important. "I just need to sort this out" was all I could manage. Tuka put her hand on my shoulder for reassurance, and then left the room, leaving me to wonder about the weird things that occurred and what is to become of me now that I know that most of what I believed is false.

© 2017 Iflybyyou

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Added on January 11, 2017
Last Updated on January 11, 2017



Watertown, NY

after over a year of long and hard reflection, and a prompting from my best friend who recently joined, I am revisiting my writing once again. It's good to be back. I don't have any particular goals f.. more..

Inner rage Inner rage

A Poem by Iflybyyou