..under the elms / rememberin' my place...

..under the elms / rememberin' my place...

A Poem by Irfan bin Yusuf Qadri

i lay on my back thinkin' at the stars
why i had to fight that many a wars
i watch the birds as they are flyin' by
always have wished bein' able to fly

i stay at pace wonderin' at the sky
why does the ego urge to satisfy
i hear those leaves whisperin' in the wind
all the amount on the trees i have sinned

i may be restin' as if behind bars
the dreams i have had but those nightmares why
i feel cold as the pressure overwhelms
it is i this world into depths has binned

for now my place is here beneath these elms
this grave now to be my only of realms

..love always...

عرفان بن يوسف © AH 09/05/1437

'a (pentameter) Sonnet'

© 2016 Irfan bin Yusuf Qadri

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Added on March 11, 2016
Last Updated on March 11, 2016


Irfan bin Yusuf Qadri
Irfan bin Yusuf Qadri

Amsterdam, Netherlands

"..study me as much as ye like.., ye will not know me.., for i differ in a hundred ways from what ye see me to be.. ..put thyself behind my eyes 'n' see me as i see myself.., for i have chosen t.. more..
