

A Poem by Isadora Swift

Would love some reviews on this, I like the idea just need some pointers. (Obviously different ways of looking at the message, meant to be kind of schizo, a girl confused about who she is)

Inside of me there is two different faces, 
When one talks, 
the other is bound by her laces.

She comes alive when people come near, 
She hides, completely paralysed by fear.

She flirts with all the boys and is labelled a "w***e",
She feels like a four year old, but nothing more.

She is arrogant and mean to every soul she meets,
She sees the beauty in all, even in the darkening streets.

She is blinded by cheap make-up and danger,
She prays each day, for the boy in the manger.

She uses her father as a behavioural excuse,
She sits at home, trying to tighten the noose. 

She is a wreck, a monster, a worthless lost cause,
She picks up the blade, writing behind locked doors.

She climbs up to the roof, higher and higher,
She steps a little closer, enjoying the fire.

Its funny how two so different, could end up the same,
Both are in heaven, 
their other halves to blame.

Sometimes I wonder which one was the real me,
or was each of them a side, 
either I could be?

© 2014 Isadora Swift

Author's Note

Isadora Swift
Another quick one, going through some stuff at the moment and it always makes me feel better putting it in words, any opinions/criticism greatly appreciated!

My Review

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Rhyme and meter is really well done. Descriptions are nearly all on point and very true to life.

Such discipline is required for this and I do admire and enjoy it.

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Isadora Swift

10 Years Ago

Thank you, still needs some work I think, but hopefully I will be able to improve it!

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1 Review
Added on May 28, 2014
Last Updated on May 28, 2014


Isadora Swift
Isadora Swift

United Kingdom

So if you want to read any of my new poems, I am on another site, but feel free to ask for the link. I wont be posting any new poems on here. more..

dfghjk dfghjk

A Poem by Isadora Swift