Renewal By: J.L. Jacobs © 2016 (Poem)

Renewal By: J.L. Jacobs © 2016 (Poem)

A Poem by JL Jacobs

This is a poem about a person suffering from depression and it only took one person to care enough to bring her back from the brink of suicide to fight her battle with depression.


For a long time the silence has taken over me.

It took a strong voice to make me see I was just an empty void.

There was no substance.

There was no laughter.

There was no hope.

I was just a shell of a body with an empty soul.

I was not happy.

I had no goals.

I had no life.

My world had been shattered, leaving me broken and in pieces.

I was left with painful memories etched into the very fiber of my being.

Then I wept.

Then I screamed.

Then I crumbled.

Until one day when someone came and picked me up.

I was finally held.

I was finally hugged.

I was finally heard.

Slowly over time I began to change and I started to remember.

Life goes on.

Life is short. 

Life is precious.

... and that became my renewal.

© 2016 JL Jacobs

Author's Note

JL Jacobs
After I received the first review on this poem, I figured I would explain WHY I wrote it. First of all, I do suffer from severe depression and nothing in this poem is disregarding "any form of depression." At the end of the poem, I write about someone coming along who picked me up. After suffering for a long time with seriously severe depression, it took one person to recognize that and CARE enough to hug me and listen to me. It took that one person to make me see that I wasn't alone, that I was loved, and that life was worth fighting my depression for. I never said that ONE person cured my depression. I just wrote that it slowly allowed me to remember that, over time, life is short, precious and worth living. My "renewal" simply signifies that I was no longer suicidal and would continue to fight my battle with depression. I thought I needed to clarify that after the review "ThePaperPrincess" gave me along with her "big fuck you" to me for what I wrote.

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Featured Review

Wow, this poem was nicely written. Your prose flows well and as a reader, I understood what you had to say. I liked this work. Look forward to reading more of it soon. Thanks for accepting my friend request. I'm new to writing but will be posting some of my work soon that I hope you'll take a look at and perhaps review.

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


Wow, this poem was nicely written. Your prose flows well and as a reader, I understood what you had to say. I liked this work. Look forward to reading more of it soon. Thanks for accepting my friend request. I'm new to writing but will be posting some of my work soon that I hope you'll take a look at and perhaps review.

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I call bullshit on the sentiment. I'm sorry but when you have depression meeting someone isn't going to just suddenly change you to be happy. It doesn't f*****g work like that. Depression isn't cured that easily. Hugging doesn't take it all away. Honestly the more I read this the angrier I get. I have depression. Not the self-diagnosed BS that it seems everyone and their uncle has. I suffer from major depression and it's not just going to take someone to hug me to make it all go away and seem like rainbows and butterfly. There is no back to normal. Its a constant battle. A constant fight.

Also a big F**K YOU for saying "bring her back to normal." I'm not an abnormal freak because of my mental illness. It disgusts me that you're treating serious mental illness like a trivial problem..

technically your writing isn't horrible, but your premise is the most disgustingly putrid piece of s**t I've read.

Posted 8 Years Ago

0 of 2 people found this review constructive.


8 Years Ago

So you disliked her poems... but telling her to go f**k herself? There were better ways for you to n.. read more

8 Years Ago

I feel that calling people with mental illness abnormal deserves a f**k you.
Clearly she real.. read more
JL Jacobs

8 Years Ago

Wow. Tons of notifications and now I see why. This has gone on long enough. Seriously. I will no lon.. read more

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2 Reviews
Added on February 22, 2016
Last Updated on February 24, 2016
Tags: renewal, renewal the poem, renewal the poem by jljacobs, jljacobs, jl jacobs, depression


JL Jacobs
JL Jacobs

Wellington, OH

"Our eyes may be the doorway to our soul but writing is the pathway to our imaginations."-- J.L. Jacobs I am an aspiring writer who's dream is to become a published author. I am an ordinary person.. more..
