

A Poem by ♥ EmeraldHeart ♥

I smile.

I walk through the empty hallways of high school.

I am a freshman, most say it's hard,

but some say it's easy.

The hardest part is trying to feel like you belong.

People say that they "love" you.

But you never really believe them.

People know you as an

up-beat, happy and outgoing girl.

The moment you don't look happy ,

people worry.

So what do I do ?

I hide, hide behind a fake smile.

Only two people have learned to look past,

and when they do, it's rare.

I never honestly feel like smiling, or laughing...

I have alot more issues than I lead on.

Not only do I think about tiny situations

and make them a huge issue but

my past has come back to haunt me too many times.

You can say I do, indeed have

"skeletons in my closet."

I hide behind my art work, my writing, and my music.

Not many people suspect me to draw,

write or sing things that are far from


But I do anyways becuase

alot of people think that they know me,

but they don't.

No body really knows everything about


Only two people know most of me;

but not all.

Those two people I trust with my life.

There is a third, but

we have a long way to go until I

tell him all my secrets.

I suppose you can say that

I'm secretive but if people knew,

they'd look at me different.

They would wollow me in pitty.

I absolutely despise pitty.

So I guess that's why

I smile.

© 2010 ♥ EmeraldHeart ♥

Author's Note

♥ EmeraldHeart ♥
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Ah this is so wonderful,
Love the depth & the meaning behind it.
I really enjoyed reading this.

Posted 13 Years Ago

i used to do that all the time. i would hide behind a fake smile that everyone thought was real cause they didnt know me.

Posted 13 Years Ago

I love it, I am that upbeat girl whose always smiling and even if I frown for 2 seconds I have 20 people wondering whats wrong with me, so with my life and all my heartache, I smile to ward off the worriers. I think most peope can relate to this. :)

Posted 13 Years Ago

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Compartment 114
Compartment 114
This was really good. Everyone has worn a fake smile at least once in their lives and all to hide the truth. But when we hide the truth we bottle everything inside us and one day it will have to come out. Great write.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Added on December 19, 2010
Last Updated on December 19, 2010


♥ EmeraldHeart ♥
♥ EmeraldHeart ♥

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