What's mine is yours, and what's yours is ours

What's mine is yours, and what's yours is ours

A Poem by SuicidePact.

Can you figure out what this is about? thats my challenge to you.


forehead sweating,

tears streaming.

agony forms within me.

I can't breathe I can't speak

all I can do is scream


i grab your hand and you yelp in pain

you don't even know what that means..

all the things you've put me through

it's been such a long journey

but now its time to move on

and start a new one.


I wanna run I wanna hide.

but that is not an option

it's killing me deep inside

as the door slowly widens

and here she comes

straight through the opening,


i gasp and i cry

my baby girl has just entered the world

and all is forgiven

all the pain was worth all the joy in this world.

what's mine is yours and whats yours is ours.




© 2012 SuicidePact.

Author's Note

a poem about one of the most beautiful things you can experience,

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Featured Review

This was a very unique view of child birth, and very well done. It misleads the reader with the first few stanzas but in the end you make it very clear what the piece was about. Birth. This was still a very unique and well penned and i like the mystery that you wove through the piece.

Posted 12 Years Ago

4 of 4 people found this review constructive.


Child birth. Everything I hear about it puts me off. This poem shows the pleasure and the pain. I've only ever heard about the pain. I suppose I can't really guess how it feels. The only people who really know are those who have gone through it. And you have to go through hardships to get happiness. I've never read a poem about this. If I had known that this poem would be about child birth, I wouldn't have read it, but I'm glad the title didn't give it away because this was so nice to read :)
Beautifully written

Posted 12 Years Ago

Story of a wonderful journey...to a happy ending.

Posted 12 Years Ago

very good me only being 15 its kinda hard to understand but it the poem I understand it perfectly

Posted 12 Years Ago

It shows the pain of childbirth and the joy that a mother feels when she sees her child. Very uncommon read, but a very good one.

Posted 12 Years Ago

This is an amazing piece. It shows both sides of child birth. The good and the bad, in a very creative way. I myself have never had a child but I could tell right from the first stanza that it was about it. To me child birth has always been somehting of a fear and a punishment. (seeing as I'm a teen and showing us birthing videos is a way to control sex apparently) This truely does show that in the end the child is worth the work. I may not be ready for one yet but it puts my heart to ease to see the true beauty and emotions of it all. Great write. Sorry bout rambling on. :)

Posted 12 Years Ago

this is the highest degree of love, nothing is for only one. i like it

Posted 12 Years Ago

wow i like alot i liked all of your poem so far

Posted 12 Years Ago

In the Cafe, as well as anywhere on line, you don't really know who you're talking to. Someone who claims to be a sixteen year old boy could actually be a plump grandmother. Anyway, as a male who has never given birth, I can't own to really understand the experience. Writers, such as yourself, greatly help in conveying the emotions and pain of such a blessed event. Keep up the good work, the writing, that is.

Posted 12 Years Ago

This is beautiful. Keep it up :) (And you said you weren't good at poetry.. You lie! You're amazing at it!)

Posted 12 Years Ago

this was interesting, great descritions and i really liked this one it really gets you then pulls in and bam amazing ending :) i love this

Posted 12 Years Ago

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78 Reviews
Shelved in 5 Libraries
Added on March 7, 2012
Last Updated on March 7, 2012



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