Sara Elizabeth

Sara Elizabeth

A Poem by Phoenix

Not a full name, and not a full description either :)


Sedate, somber, and stoic, that is how she seems

At least until you look in her eyes, and see her many dreams.

Relishes honesty, it's the drink of her mind

Although it's denied her, time after time.


Everything you say about her, but more than you can see

Looks in your eyes, and knows what you can truly be.

Inside, she feels a lot,

Zeal for life, pain, joy, fear,

And love that doesn't stop.

Believes in people, their hearts and minds,

Empathizes and tries to be kind.

Think of this, and know it's the same,

Hearing these words, and knowing her name.

© 2009 Phoenix

Author's Note

This acrostic and the last one are proof, I think, of how much Ive changed this past year. My thoughts are so much clearer.

My Review

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This is well done. I like it a lot.
Acrostics can be tricky. Especially with "Z" But you pulled it off brilliantly. Well done.

Posted 15 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on May 20, 2009



Zushi, Japan

I have so many ideas and feelings, and they usually buzz around inside me wildly. When I can gather up enough of them, then a piece of writing emerges and I feel refreshed. more..

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A Poem by Phoenix