Cold Heart...

Cold Heart...

A Poem by Jamestown

Evil Women...

Cold Heart...

A cold heart, with a aching desire to seek and destroy,
the purpose to find a male mate and devour,
to completely lie, manipulate and rip her prey to shreds,
leaving him to, rebuild a shattered heart,

The freezing effect of a "I don't give a f--k" attitude,
and a chilling look of hatred, is where it starts,

She is the epitome of pure evil, cold blood running through her veins,
lurching in the shadows, on the hunt for her next victim,
all while, playing the part of sweet and innocent,
an angelic frame to sell the fake,

A kiss so cold, that a hot blooded male would retain
chapped lips, always on the prowl searching to unleash the next blizzard,
releasing black ice all over the roadways of life, causing deadly fate to
a cure,

If you feel this overwhelming chill set in, run toward the sun,
and pray, because no man alive deserves to be frost bitten,
CAUTION: Frozen roads ahead...

.Sleeps cold (cold to the touch)
.Icicle tears
.Always in the dark (dark demeanor)
.Constant negativity
.Know it all
.My ex-wife...

© 2015 Jamestown

Author's Note

Pure evil and on the prowl...
Sad but true...

My Review

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Murky notes.But i'm in love with cold,dark and gloomy.Caters to my taste appropriately.Very thoughful and well-written.Awesome actually!

Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

Thanks for checking it out and your kind review b-blessed!
Cold, indeed. I am shivering after reading this... reminds me so much of a number of people I know. There were signs but I ignored them for all the wrong reasons - hindsight is twenty-twenty, my friend. Let's read the signs more carefully the next time around.

Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

Good advice! Thanks for checking it out and b-blessed!
Great imagery Jamestown, A black widow here and she spins her web to trap or she just could be a selfish me me me ball-breaker, my first wife now ex thank God!

Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

Thanks for checking it out and b-blessed!
Yes, sad but true. Some people seem heartless or with heart but as hard as rock.
You mentioned evil women, I am thinking of those evil men, too. lol
Creative venting. :)

Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

Absolutely, definitely goes both ways! I was telling a friend today that I don't know
who ang.. read more
Daisie Vergara (Dhaye)

9 Years Ago

You're welcome.
I'll say this iI know exactly how this is...eespeciallythe warning signs...that describes my ex wife to a said 15 yrs, I couldn't imagine the hurt you feel 3 yrs and i was stunned iI lost more than just her I lost little caden he was sweet boy I raised him since he was 1 month old tho he wasn't my son he was in a sense the worst part was the fact that she lived next door to my mother's where I ultimatelyhad to stay once things went south so everyday id come home from work and lil caden would be there in the door way yyelling for me and i couldn't even step one foot up the steps to see or talk to him without a all out was like bbeing haunted by a ghost of a dead cchild it killed me eeventually she moved after a few months and I do miss her but I know I couldn'tever be with her and tthat's fine I've moved on ...but that haunting feelingfor that lil boy still chills me and it still hurts ...I love your writing, looking back on older ones such as this i can definitely see a change in your outlook on life you seem to be a more happier person now, tthat's great we can both say assured that god had a lot to do with that...thanks

Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

I was crushed to say the least! Struggled with alcohol then gave my life to Christ
and been c.. read more
She is the epitome of pure evil, cold blood running through her veins,
lurching in the shadows, on the hunt for her next victim, --

I like that line, every stanza is well phrased. There are strong emotions on this one, but they're all dark. I must say, it was a little new to me. I'm used to your happy and positive poems. :-) Great job!

Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

Thanks, I don't like dark me! But I was sharing a different side, thanks for checking it out!
Lavender Soya

9 Years Ago

That's okay, dark you is also poetic :-) You're welcome.
wow, you just described my third Ex ----
icicle tears, cold to the touch, self -absorbed (her own kleenex)

and i totally missed the warning signs.

Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

To funny, unfortunately there out there,thanks for checking it out.
Dark, but hopefully therapeutic for you.

Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

Thanks, for checking it out, there are peeps out there that only think of themselves, on
both .. read more
Very cool piece of work here. You were right I do like this piece. I love the use of cliches in this piece as well as use of the modern tongue. Job well done.

Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

Thanks for checking it out, sad but true there are peeps out there like this unfortunately.
Wish it didn't have to be that way for you, James ... but writing about it helps too ... You expressed such raw emotions wonderfully, James ...

Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

Thanks, you all have been so nice, I really appreciate it.

9 Years Ago

you are very welcome :)

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23 Reviews
Added on February 3, 2015
Last Updated on February 3, 2015



Denver, CO

Fun, spontaneous, outgoing, God fearing man. Enjoy reading and have a passion to write. PTL. ... more..


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