In Walks An Angel...

In Walks An Angel...

A Poem by Jamestown

Angel on earth...

In Walks An Angel...

Today God has graced me with the presence of an angel,

While enjoying a morning cup of joe,
at the local Starbucks, in walks the most beautiful creature,
my eyes have ever seen,

Long jet black flowing hair, crystal blue almost transparent eyes,
silky soft mocha colored skin and a smile that lit the room,

As she entered, my heart began to race and thoughts fire shots,
In my head randomly like Vietnam,

While this angel orders her beverage, my mind is in full on war trying,
to find something perfect to say to heaven sent, that will mirror
her perfection,

With the last shots fired, I make a decision to approach,
and say, hello my name is James and I would really like to purchase your,
coffee this morning, see here on earth angels don't buy anything,

She smiles and giggles and agrees, as I walk back to my table,
I retreat with a whisper of b-blessed today,

She again smiles, thanks me and says God bless you as well,

At this time her coffee is ready and she turns to leave the building,
I rise and walk and open the door for her, then I kindly mention I didn't,
catch your name,

With a soft and soothing voice she replies, my name is ANGEL and it is nice to
meet you, with a faint smile and a pounding heart,

I reply, of course it is, I already knew that,
it wouldn't be anything else...

© 2015 Jamestown

My Review

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First of all, watch your tense. Second of all, "my eyes has ever seen". Could be a typo, but "my eyes have ever seen" is the correct way to say it. I saw you make mistakes like that a couple of times. Third of all, watch those dialogue phrases. They aren't actual dialogue so you have to account for the switch. "then I kindly mention I didn't, catch your name" You are telling the story without dialogue so it would be, "then I kindly mention that I didn't catch her name." You made other small errors, but nothing a good once over couldn't fix. Lines in a poem have a meaning and essentially tell the story so make sure that when you write a poem you make every single thing you do formatting wise have a meaning to it. Overall, it was a good poem and had a strong feeling to it and a beautiful pace.

Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

Thanks for the tips, I appreciate it and thanks for checking it out, b-blessed!
sounds like the one to me,she stirs your heart and soul

Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

Thanks for checking it out and b-blessed!

9 Years Ago

you`re welcome james
The ending is so beautiful!! I absolutely loved it :)

Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

Thanks for checking it out, I appreciate your review, b-blessed.
Cool Girl

9 Years Ago

Youre welcome!! You too :)

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43 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on February 21, 2015
Last Updated on February 22, 2015



Denver, CO

Fun, spontaneous, outgoing, God fearing man. Enjoy reading and have a passion to write. PTL. ... more..


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