All In Do Time...

All In Do Time...

A Poem by Jamestown

Love Conquers, all in do time...

All In Do Time...

A still tranquil evening,
I gaze upon the vast moon lit sky,
and am drawn to one particular bright beautiful shining star,

For whatever reason this star has my undivided attention,
as I indulge in it's beauty, my mind suddenly ponders the thought,
of my soul mate, out under this same star and wishing upon
it the same wishes that I am,

Wishing for true love, joy, peace and happiness,
parallel thoughts under the moon,

As I continue to bask in the calm, cool evening environment,
I wish, a soft breeze could come and deliver a message,
of "all in do time" to my future wife,

To whisper in her ear, that the man she has been wishing for upon
this star, is out there longing for her as much as she for him,
and " all in do time" our once desperate wishes will become a reality and a
heart felt poem to share with the world,

I want so much to tell her, that I have been thinking about her for some time now,
and "all in do time" I will do everything in my power to make sure,
she never has to wish upon a star again...

Patience is a virtue,
Love is a must and I will find her,
before I return to dust!!!

© 2015 Jamestown

My Review

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I love romantic poetry and this my friend is a poem sighs were made for...
stunning imagery and so very sweet and romantic.

You have a beautiful heart and it shines in this stunning poem
:) Julie

Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

Thanks for checking it out, I appreciate your review and kind words!
God bless you my friend... read more
Not only is this a sweet poem, it is a prayer from you to Heaven for the right one to hear and respond..Valentine

Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

Yep! Thanks for checking it out and b-blessed!
I find the idea behind this poem quite beautiful. Not only the part when love conquers all but the very thought that we are all under the same sky and that somewhere out there is that one other person that will one day become so important to us and the part where both halves of this future relationship are currently wishing for the same thing. Honestly, that's the part which I found most beautiful about this work, which is closely followed by the wish to ease the longing of that other person by telling you you would meet in do time. The lines that carry the most impact though are the last three ones in my opinion, and I quite like the strength I think I feel behind them.

Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

Thanks for checking it out and your kind review, b-blessed!
Beautiful. Romantic. Amazing. Thanks for sharing!

Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

Thanks for checking it out and b-blessed!
I guess u missed a "t" in the fifth line.
And was it deliberately "patients is a virtue" instead of "patience"?

I love the idea of reaching the last mile to find true love and the way you have said it adds more color & vigor to the thought. Kudos! :)

Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

Thanks for checking it out and the heads up, I appreciate it, b-blessed!
I love the theme of this poem: love really those conquer all. I'm sorry that I've haven't able to review your poems that you sent me, but it's good to get back into the game.

The last two lines of the poem, "Love is a must and I will find her, before I return to the dust!" is an understanding that love is worth putting your life on the line for. Love is just too powerful to ignore. :)

Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

I agree with your review completely, thanks for checking it out and b-blessed!
Very well written, the stanza was full and flowing, thanks for sharing.

Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

Thanks for checking it out and b-blessed!
It seems very sincere in its expression! conventional imagery but with a subtle and warm feel. Looking at moonlit sky and the stars, these little drops of hope contrasting darkness that naturally comes with evening, beautifully symbolizes the longing for something that seems so far away. Yet what is longed for is there, evidenced by the light ... Its melancholic yet hopeful :)

Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

Thanks for your review, i appreciate it and b-blessed!
aw James. that longing must be so strong and undeniable. I really hope that your wish will someday come true. always have faith that whatever happens it will be good in the end. I like how this poem is calm, honest, and strong-willed all the same time. great write, James. keep the love alive in patience and hope.

Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

Thanks for checking it out and b-blessed!
great lines man...keep the fire burning

Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

Thanks for checking it out and b-blessed!

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32 Reviews
Shelved in 2 Libraries
Added on February 25, 2015
Last Updated on February 25, 2015



Denver, CO

Fun, spontaneous, outgoing, God fearing man. Enjoy reading and have a passion to write. PTL. ... more..


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