I'm Not Ready

I'm Not Ready

A Poem by ..R.I.P..

I still haven't faced the truth of what I've done....


I'm not ready to see him, not yet

I'm not ready to see his pain, the pain I caused

I will never be ready


I know when I look in his eyes

I'll see his love for me fading

Being washed away by the pain I caused him


He is such a great guy

With a warm smile and loving personality

No wonder I fell in love with him


But I was afraid of my feelings

So I broke his heart before mine was broken

Now his smile for me isn't warm but cold


He may still love me

But he won't let me know

Things will never be the same


I'm not ready to see him

I'll never be ready

I broke my own heart when I broke his


© 2009 ..R.I.P..

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I love this poem so much!
I can totally relate!
I LOVE the first stanza! It's the one I relate the most to.
Amazing poem, great job! =)

Posted 14 Years Ago

???whats this all about JT?

Posted 14 Years Ago

I really like this poem!
My favorite line is "I broke my own heart when I broke his"
That got me!
Great Job! :D

Posted 14 Years Ago

I probably shouldn't leave reviews for contestents but, i really love this poem, my favorite line is "I broke my own heart when I broke his." beautiful.

Posted 14 Years Ago

Sometimes it's best to end things quickly, to do another person a favor. Sometimes that's best. You'll be feeling guilty for awhile, I suppose, but you'll move past that. It just takes awhile. and it's completely understandable.

Posted 14 Years Ago

what a great poem. I a lot of pain in it. You have conjured up true emotions that stir
in most of our souls. Kudos.

Posted 14 Years Ago

Now that is a true confession from the heart... owning up to your fears that lead to a mistake... love is fragile and can be broken easily but it also has the miracle of mending itself... I must say your out pour of emotions here was written wonderfully into this great poem. To me one of your best.

Posted 14 Years Ago

Nice poem, full of emotion. You are putting into words the emotions I will be going through very soon. You captured them so well. Great work.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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8 Reviews
Added on November 6, 2009



In my own little world, AR

I have another account on here. I had lost my login stuff for this one and had set up a new one. Then found the stuff to this one. Anyways..follow me on Tumblr! I keep all my new poems on there! I'll .. more..

I'm Alive I'm Alive

A Poem by ..R.I.P..