Microcosm Abrupt Junction Station

Microcosm Abrupt Junction Station

A Poem by JediMobius

Vacuous multifarious drains dripping division
telling tomorrow to wait
postpone the inevitable repercussions
of drifting alone in isolated space sedated
and severely frustrated
at changes that keep making everything exactly the same
placing the blame for the death of a star
on the comet
shooting past
escaping the blast
of the supernova
as stardust denizens ride the wave
like chaotic surfers with blond hair and dark tans
hanging infinity off the edge as energy tendrils spread
a glowing shell around dark matter
looking glass shatter
negative existence manifestation
the opposite of every opposite is a proverb
make the decision now
will you listen to the hidden agenda contradictions
pulling out morsels of truth
or will you ignore the walls of your virtual reality chamber
as you fall from the sky
to join new heights of vision
make the incision to expose your mind’s eye
or leave the scalpel on the table
for molecules to trip over
as they run blindly
in an attempt to escape the destruction
of another mental collision shutdown micro-nuclear reaction
as the last free thought
and there is no requiem
only a swan song
of a high pitch ringing in your ears
on a calm quiet uneventful day
when you thought nothing significant had happened
that was your subconscious
resounding the eulogy
of the tragically short life of a doomed synapse
the connective tissue is being strained
as the two sides of your brain
compete against each other in a gladiator match of wits
logic versus artistry
in the most beautiful stalemate
until you step in
and inform them that they have to get along
like the driver of a car yelling at full grown kids in the backseat
fighting over limited space
folding their arms, they gravitate toward the windows
and there is peace in the temporary tranquility
of the compromise where no one wins
and it’s the driver who asks first
if they have all reached their destination
and the answer is deafening
the screech of the tires on the pavement as the driver slams on the brakes
joins that of the demons and phantasms
circling like overeager vultures with a banshee battle cry
please note the exists on either side at the front and the back
of this plane of dimension
this is the place
of the last stand
when the last man will take his seat belt cutter
emergency utility knife
and stab it into the heart of reason
the greatest threat to bliss
killing the last chance for himself to be saved
all for the ideal that he should get what he wants
and so should everyone else
but with this exhibition of freedom
the black thunder clouds disperse
and the new man steps out of the fog
pouring out of the comet crash landing gear
in the glowing fissure of his inter-visionary vessel
ready to face the adversity
of being the only beholder of wisdom
in a house built by fools
he sees every flaw being exploited
by the very builders who have no idea
they are about to bring down their own construction
it became rubble in an instant
and the new man walks on
searching out the surviving fools
with just enough capacity to figure out
they had it all wrong
the complex song they were singing without melody
was really a stale rhythm of the simplest form of repetition
that only made enough noise to be heard
but there was really nothing the words had to say
so when the new man approaches
the wise fool remembers his purpose
and for the first time

© 2012 JediMobius

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Added on February 9, 2012
Last Updated on February 9, 2012



Grand Rapids, MI

Properly: a prolifically impassioned, pleasantly pedantic -- paradoxically, poetic & playfully patient -- polymath of progressively populous pursuits proclaiming optimistically the profoundly paramoun.. more..
