My Life

My Life

A Story by Jepong3789

Just a little insight to the struggles I have gone through.

  Hi my name is Steven Falcone, before that was I was Stephen DiGirolamo, and before that I was Stephen Clerico. My life isn't exciting, there's been a lot of down in it, and I rarely get any good luck, still I thought I share my story mainly just as a way to vent. Before reading just know I suck at proper grammar and spelling so forgive for that. So to start off I was raised
in New Jersey by my two parents Alex and Julie, growing up with them as parents is something I consider to be lucky because they to this day help me get through all the pain and hardship that happens in my life, but they are also there to help me celebrate the good times. Not many people can say this but I consider my parents to be my close friends who I know always have my back. I technically have a half brother and sister, they are my dad's kids and disowned us because of money. My dad was actually born in Italy and after his mom gave birth to him she passed away, his father didn't want him or his two other children so he dropped them off in a orphanage. My dad was then adopted by two people in America named Vincent and Ann, grandpa Vincent loved my dad like he was his own son, but Ann (refuse to call her my grandmother) treated my dad like human trash and downed him everyday and even hit him with a guitar over the head. When my grandpa Vincent passed away he left everything to Ann, and Ann was suppose to give it my father, but she didn't she gave it to my half brother and half sister. My dad thought that wasn't right that I didn't get a share so he asked them if they could give me some it, but they said no and called him a bad father saying I was always loved more which isn't true my dad treated all three of us equally. The truth is those two only ever cared about themselves and only ever will for the rest of there lives. That pretty much covers the drama with family life.

  Next let me talk about school and how I grew to hate it. When I started kindergarten I was called stupid by my very own teacher because I had trouble writing my name, and I was always wanting not to sit still. They ended up sending me to another school for first grade saying I needed special ed with a IQ of 60, I was still a kid so I didn't think much of it, but luckily I have parents who actually cared and went to get my tested by a outside source I ended up scoring a IQ of 112 which was above average. They then called the school to go over the results, but when they came in the next day the guy who tested me was there and told my parents I scored a 60 and they were lying about him ever saying I scored 112. According to my dad my mom almost strangled him for lying about her child and trying to ruin his life. Later on we found out that the school got more money for each kid they had in special ed, so they would purposely put kids in there just to get some extra funding. Normally though even after learning this once you sign that paper saying your kid can be put in special ed it's almost impossible to get them out of it. I was able to get out of it though because my parents pulled some strings to get my into a Catholic school, I escaped that doomed fate, and you think school life would be better from there on...I thought so to at the time. I only stated in the Catholic school for 6th and 7th grade because I was bullied everyday I was there and the teachers always took the side of the bully for some odd reason. I was able to go back to public school because the check mark on my record was removed saying I was in special ed, so I could still be in main stream classes where I belonged, but even going back in public school I was still bullied everyday. I wasn't stupid I was just socially awkward and never knew
what to say around people. I still have trouble acting around people I'm pretty sure the people I work with think I'm a little retarded because I always act really awkward in conversations. When people are different people like to make them feel like they don't belong and through my entire time in school that message was jammed into my head well that I don't belong with
anyone and I was a loser. It got to the point where going to school gave me bad panic attacks so I had to take my GED to get my high school degree. To be honest I was just glad to have the nightmare end. 

  This was just a quick summary and I left out a lot of details like why my name changed twice and there's more I could have added to the school problems, also left out my most recent problem with my roommate/ex friend leaving me with our lease telling me to go f myself after I paid the rent for two months by myself along with all the food, but I mainly just wrote this as a away to vent. Anyone who actually read this thanks.

© 2017 Jepong3789

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Added on May 14, 2017
Last Updated on May 14, 2017
Tags: School, Life, Personal, Struggles



Lake Mary, FL

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