Reasons for My Last Curtain Call

Reasons for My Last Curtain Call

A Poem by Crimson Profile

A poem describing the rough relationship between brothers, but showing how roughness in the relationship can be transformed to lessons to be past from a sibling to another.

I've been thinking a lot
these past few days 
The reasons why 
you gave me that penetrating gaze

I thought at first 
that I was wrong
lying to you like a reoccurring song
Wasting your time 
for so very long

I thought of another 
reason why 
why a made you shed that cry
Maybe because I gave you fear 
I screamed and shouted in your ear

Or maybe because
I did not hold you dear
Turning away 
like some rusted gear

One more 
I thought might be true
maybe because I trusted only a few
You probably thought 
that this included you
But if you did
you boiled in your own stew
because I've always loved you

I hope that in time you learn
the reasons why I've been so stern
It was to protect 
the ones I love 
so I may be pure 
and rise to the great above
I may not know much 
but I know this now 
that someway,somehow
you'll learn these lessons
I've told you now

I'll know you'll cry
When I leave 
But be strong my dear child
You are our last remaining life
Be strong
Be strong for your new baby and wife 

Good luck brother 
forever and all
I love you brother
But this is
indeed my last curtain call

© 2010 Crimson Profile

Author's Note

Crimson Profile
Review this poem as deeply as you can.Tell me what you think of it and maybe how i can improve future poems. Pictures may indeed be edited,but for now focus on the poem

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I almost cried when I read this. It's so deep. I love it.

Posted 13 Years Ago

Oh I love this. The dude on the right does look like Sasuke. The dude on the left looks like Orochimaru.

Posted 13 Years Ago

Wow. I loved this. I'm guessing its Itachi talking to Sasuke?

Posted 13 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on December 8, 2010
Last Updated on December 9, 2010
Tags: brothers, relationships, lessons, reasons, love, poetry, poem, bonds


Crimson Profile
Crimson Profile

canton, OH

I'm Jeremiah Lee and I'm looking to become a mangaka and get published by a famous Japanese manga company.I write a lot of stories and poems. I take time to write my work to think things over.Most .. more..
