Prom Night.

Prom Night.

A Story by Jess Holden

As the lights began to shine down to the dance floor, we all started to dance. It was time to celebrate our final year of high school, and final year of being united. My friend Stacie stayed by my right, and Dian on my left, we began to dace the night away.

I felt someone starring at me, but thought nothing of it.

I felt amazing, as the music blarred loud enough that I couldn't hear my own thoughts, and everyone danced and screamed. It was definatly a prom night for the history books.

After a few minutes, balloons started to fall from the ceiling, as I looked up to see them fall onto the dance floor in a careless manor. I felt free as everyone else danced around me, as I starred up at the last falling balloon.

I felt bad for it; it was all alone in the world.

So was I.

Once it came within arms reach, I took it and held it tight, as I ran from the room. I kept the balloon clutched to my chest as I ran to the closes bathroom. Once I was inside, I took a closer look at the beautifully unique balloon; it had every colour of the rainbow within the small walls of the plastic, and a small light inside.

I sat down on the cold floor, and played with it for what seemed like seconds, before I herd someone enter.

I looked up to see Sean; the tall, quarterback from the football team. He was a jerk, but he got most girls from his looks, not who he was. I was never into him, but I knew he was into me. I looked away from him, and back to my balloon.

"Abby?" He asked, taking a few more steps towards me, making the room feel smaller and smaller. His height and strenght greatly intimidated me, as I sat there and waited for him to say more.

"Why did you say no?" he asked aggrivated, as I noticed his fists clench and as I herd more footsteps approach. I looked up to see Sean's two right hand men: Luke and Mike. They were behind him, starring at me with evil smirks on their faces.

Their looks made me nervous.

"You know that nobody every says no to me." He said, walking directly up to me, grabbing onto my shoulders and pulling me to my feel. I let out a small whimper as he released me, feeling small bruises begin to form.

"I'm not into you. Leave me alone," I said calmly, pushing him away from me, walking towards the door. Luke and Mike blocked the way.

"No Abby," I herd Sean say, "you aren't getting out of here."



"Tell a soul, and we'll be back," Sean's words echoed through my head as I retured to the dance, only a slight bruise showing on my cheek.

"Oh my God! What happened?!" Stacie asked when she saw me, holding my face close to hers in a caring manor. I flinched at her touch for a moment, wondering if she could tell I had been crying.

"Its just smudged make up," I assured her, hoping she didn't notice how hoars my voice was.

I was right about prom night, I would never forget it, and I would never be able to talk about it again.

© 2011 Jess Holden

Author's Note

Jess Holden
ignore grammer and spelling

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soo goooddd.. i enjoyed this. a lot.

Posted 13 Years Ago

wow i loved it :D

Posted 13 Years Ago

Well that was an interesting twist. Poor Abby :(

Posted 13 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on June 2, 2011
Last Updated on June 3, 2011

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