What I Want

What I Want

A Poem by YourSecondShadow

If I could go anywhere...


I want to be surrounded by trees...

To be in a world with walls of green.

I want snow to fall on me...


To live in a place with skies of grey,

And while being there, it rain.

I want to see fields of grain,

And woods of escape.


To be in a wonderland where time could freeze,

And to walk on lakes of solid ice.

I want to feel forests,

And breathe in life.


I'm sick of sand and cacti-

Of 24/7 sun.

© 2010 YourSecondShadow

Author's Note

I live in a desert and hav never seen snow, nor been to a place where it does. such a place would be opposite of where i live and one day i intend to visit or possibly live there.

My Review

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:O Best one of your poems I've read. I love trees and forests too! Get there someday!

Posted 11 Years Ago

awesome. get there someday.

Posted 14 Years Ago

Thank you for your review :)
I wish I could go to that place which you described, too. I imagined a lush rain forest somehow damp and fresh after a light drizzle. Pretty refreshing image for me :D

Posted 14 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on March 16, 2010
Last Updated on March 16, 2010
Tags: what, i, want, yoursecondshadow, your, second, shadow, 3rd, third



Yuma, AZ

I am here for no other purpose other than to give away all the nothingness I keep within my brain. I really have no writing style or specifications; I am only a high school student who admires writing.. more..
