2 Sisters Poems Back 2 Back feat Addicted (by M.C.B.) & To Addicted From Addicted(by K.S.)

2 Sisters Poems Back 2 Back feat Addicted (by M.C.B.) & To Addicted From Addicted(by K.S.)

A Poem by K.S.78

My sister wrote one then of course I had to write one so there you have it! Enjoy<3





M.C.M   5-17-13


She says “I give up.”

Oh, no, not on you but wanting you.

She says “I give up.”

She says “I give up.”


I give up the sleepless nights,

I give up wishing you were here,

I give up constantly checking my email,

I give up wondering if you still think I’m beautiful,

I give up dropping everything I’m doing for you,

I give up driving by your house hoping to see you,

I give up the late nights of crying for you,

I give up wondering if I was ever good enough,

I give up trying to be your perfect,

I give up!

I give up!

I give up!

I give up…us.

To Addicted from Addicted

                        K.S. 5-30-13


      Five different meds

        Five different pills for head

        Sometimes they work

        Fighting against the natural urge

        Suppressing the rush

        She feels she needs so much

        And maybe she actually does

        It’s not your place to judge


        Fun and charming

        Or self-destructive and self-loathing

        Sometimes it’s not her you’re seeing

        Care free and loving

        The evidence always seems damning

        She feels her soul is in need of saving

        Loving her isn’t easy


        She’s worthy of affection

        Get to know her

        You’ll gain a deep connection

        A friend forever and so much more

        She is my older sister

        I got her back

        After all I adore her

        Come any storm

        You’ll find us together


        My sister, my friend, and of course Imogen

© 2013 K.S.78

My Review

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no chemical magic for me
only toast of rusk and green tea

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

poetry-kiddo alienbaba

11 Years Ago

sweet...ahh yes a spoonfulla honey too pls...yes will do thanku
It's surrender, defeat and concession for the first part.
It's love but not lust, adrenaline rush with a roundhouse kick, and responsibility with advocacy for the second part.

However do not be fooled as the first one relates to one's giving up but the second lifts you back up and takes you to where you want to find yourself wanting this person to not give up. It takes two to grow a pair they say but it takes one to know what you really feel when they feel the same way about each other. It's like family you can't choose them but you sure can make your own and when one you know is down they'll be there to pick you up. That's 'To Addicted from Addicted'

'Addicted' shows the signs of a surrendered person. They feel lost, gone and defeated after wishfully thinking they would be there to comfort you but they won't. It's a lost cause really and one too many people fail to recognize.

Now, mix the two together and you get this dynamic. The dynamics of finding one love to another. As one gives up the other doesn't and gives the other support by advocating she is good for someone else out there. It's not the five pills but the effect of it afterwards. It's the placebo effect where you start to feel all kinds of emotions about them once taken. It will crave you for more but you have to take care of them to make sure you are looking out for them as they are with you too.

It's a dynamic to be falling in love as it is also falling out of it because once you give up you lose it. So don't give up on the first part as the second part will have your back to take you in and give you support for it.

(Way I saw it.)

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

My sister read your review to me last night and she said to tell you that you have psychic abilities.. read more

11 Years Ago

Ah well, tell her she's right ;) :p lol but to what the extent of our experience and feelings drive .. read more

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2 Reviews
Added on May 30, 2013
Last Updated on May 30, 2013
Tags: family, sisters, problems, flaws, love, relationships, heartache, DID, MPD, Mental Illness, awareness, quit, hurt, manipulation, free verse, emotional