Monologue of despair

Monologue of despair

A Poem by M.Kilani


What happened to you oh warrior,

Your eyes are full of distress and despair

Dripping dark deadly dismay

Drowned the deepest of your desire

Into a world of doomed decay


Have you foreseen the forsaken funeral of your future

Were you forbidden, were you forgotten

Was your fragile heart fill in frustration

Have you found fake forever

In a world fading in a frown


Can you still walk tall, march towards dusk

Did you count corpse in corners

Closed gates of confusing hope

Did you conceal cuts on skin

With cloud, camouflage and contempt


Your sickness soars with silence

Seeks seduction of suffocating smoke

Sleeplessness shows on you slightly pale skin

Submitted to satisfying surrender

Still you spare the souls of those who sin


Your aching aging agony

Asks for an alter and answers

To accept aspirated alibis  

To ask asylum in air

Your are but my reflection in a mirror, of that I am aware


Rise for another moonless night

Feed upon your pain

For all what’s done is done

And all in time shall return

All shall reap what they’ve sawn

For nothing goes in vain

© 2012 M.Kilani

Author's Note

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War does fuel a certain kind of suffering, as does the historical momentum of ignorance and conflict between the individual and society.

I can only wonder at the true motivation of this poem?

Posted 11 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on August 4, 2012
Last Updated on August 4, 2012



Amman, Jordan

"The more you read the better you write" more..
